*Part 30*

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Parvathy : *OMG Harry is walking to me!!!*

Harry : Hi Parvathy

Parvathy : Hi Harr....*faints from over excitement*

Fred : Whoa she just fainted from my awesomeness

Harry : WTH?? She fainted from MY awesomness

George : Guys relaks.. It was me

Snape : You idiots she fainted because of my silky shiny hair.

Harry : Because of you??

Snape : Obviously..Everyone is jealous of my hair *flips hair over*

Parvathy : *awakes and has a blank look*

Fred : I am too awesome aren't I??

Parvathy : Who are you?

Fred : o.O How could someone not know The Awesome Fred Weasley????

Parvathy : *walks away from them*

Ron : That girl has some serious problems

Parvathy : I heard that Ron!!!! *goes and cries in a cornor*

Everyone : -___-

Yeay!! We have reached part 30 of this book. Thank you to everyone that has read and supported this book. Don't forget to vote and comment :D

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