*Part 70*

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*The golden trio, Voldy, Dumbly, Snape, Draco, Lucius and Umbridge are on a vacation at the beach.*

Hermy : It feels so good to be out of the castle. The breeze feels so refreshing.

Ron : Wow I never thought you will say that Hermy.

Harry : Yeah me too. I thought we will have a hard time trying to get you out of the library.

Hermy : I actually have been wanting to take a break. Thanks a lot for this vacation guys.

Ron : There is 1 problem though.

Harry : Yeah unfortunately Umbridge, Malfoy and all the other oldies heard our plan and wanted to follow us.

Ron : I never thought I will see Snape in his swimming trunks. That is actually a disgusting scene.

Hermy : Draco looks damn fine though.

Ron : WHAT???

Harry : Yeah he does.

Ron : ○_○ Are you okay Harry?

Harry : Uhmm yeah I mean he looks absolutely terrible.

Draco : You talking about me Potter?

Harry : Uh hi Draco.

Hermy : Draco?? When did you start to call him Draco? I thought you hated him.

*Harry is staring dreamily at Draco.*

Hermy : OMG Harry likes Malfoy??

Harry : Uhh what are you talking about Hermy? I hate him.

Draco : Yeah right. Nobody can resist me.

*Umbridge suddenly approaches in a pink bikini.*

Draco : Gahhh my eyes. Ahh!!! Everyone run away!! The sea monster is coming!!!

Hermy, Ron & Harry : *Run away screaming*

Umbridge : Who you calling a sea monster? Come back here you idiots. Uhh I hate children.

Harry : You're right. You're not a sea monster. You are even worse than a sea monster. Sea monsters are better looking than you.

Umbridge : Come back here Mr.Potter. I'm going to give you detention.

Ron : But you are ugly. We are not telling lies.

Umbridge : You too will be writing the lines then Mr.Weasley.

*Harry & Ron are writing line for Umbridge. Meanwhile the oldies are having a fight of their own.*

Voldy : Back off old man. Snape is mine.

Dumbly : No way Voldy. Snape has been my man since the begining.

Snape : Everyone please calm down. You all can have me.

Voldy : Uhh I am not going to share anything with this old man.

Dumbly : Well that's fine. More of Snape for me.

Voldy : Alright then Lucius is mine.

Lucius : Uh I'm married My Lord.

Voldy : I don't care Malfoy. You are mine. Now come and rub this sunblock on me.

Snape : Phew thank god I didn't have to do that.

Dumbly : Yeah Severus you should be lucky cuz you'll be rubbing sunblock on me. Now come here.

Lucius : Bwahahaha. Snape has to rub sunblock on wrinkly skin.

Snape : *sob* But my hands are too precious.

Dumbly : I don't care how precious your hands are. My skin is more precious. Come and rub it or you'll be fired.

Snape : *sob sob*

*Back to the trio, Draco & toad face.*

Hermy : OMG what are Snape and Lucius doing?

Ron : Hmm it looks like Snape is rubbing Dumbly and Lucius is rubbing Voldy but that can't be true. It's too disgusting to be true.

Harry : Eww they really are doing it. Uhh I know Dumbly is the most powerfull wizard and all but that is absolutely disgusting.

Draco : This is really the worst holiday ever.

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