22: Rouge Attack

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**Greg's POV**
Everything was a mess. Everybody was going crazy it seemed. Everything was getting fucked up. The trees were getting all fucked up every now and then. Something was wrong and I was going to find out exactly what in the fuck it was to.

Jay and everyone has started acting funny as fuck. Everything was just so off. Something had to be done. I did know that there was increased Rouge activities around the borders to our territory but it wasn't to bad so far unless they've picked up the shit again.

I decided to call a pack meeting. Come to find out after the meeting the rogues had increased the activity at the borders AGAIN. My team of trackers and warriors have caught 2 rogues by now at the very least but they won't talk. Not yet anywwys. Jay's got a way with words though so I might take her down to the dungeons later and interegate the idiots who think they can try and attack me and mine.

Just then there was a push on the mind link. I let it open. All I heard was Jay screaming as something went down and saying bedrooms. That's it. I ran off towards our room and the baby's room. There in our room I found Jay attacking two rogues trying to protect our little Maisey. I pushed at all the warriors through the mind link and told them that we were under attack.

Everyone sprung into action right then and there. The women and children ran to the safe spot while the men fought their way around the territory and killed as many rogues as possible. The rest were to be captured and taken to the dungeons to be interrogated later on.

We may be a pack small in size but we were the most gruesome, terrifying pack there was out there. Thousands of rogues every year died trying to attack us, well on average. There's been a few years since the last big Rouge killing. It was time for another one of those. Coming back to reality I saw that Jay had shifted and thrown a Rouge out of the 3 story window where our bedroom sat.

I thought it was sexy as fuck but weird at the same time that Jay could do some damage like that. The attack lasted quite a while to. Sleeping Beauty had way less drama and bullshit then our lives did. There wasn't attacks every other day. There wasn't rogues thinking that they were hot shit and didn't have to do what they were told to do by the damn werewolf council. They sucked regardless but that's not the point. The council was the highest wolves in our world. If something was truly going on they needed to know and they needed to know fast as fuck.

All of a sudden out of the corner of my eye I saw something I never thought I would see again. I thought that I'd ripped her to shreds but I guess not.

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