21: Baby Time :-)

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This is going to be an extremely short chapter compared to the rest of them. Just thought I would warn all of you.

**Jay's POV**
Everything hurt. The god damn contractions were ungodly horrible. I couldnt think, eat, sleep, let alone breathe. They were getting to be 2 minutes apart and strong as fuck to. I went to the pack doctor and sure enough I was right. It was time for this child, we didn't know the gender yet because we wanted to wait til the baby got here, to make its appearance in this world.

After 26 and 1/2 Hours of labor, pain, and another 3 Hours of pushing, the cutest little bundle of joy came into the world. Turns out it was a girl. We already had everything we needed for him. Greg and I decided to name her Maisey. Maisey Alyssa Matthews. She weighed in at 8 pounds 6.5 ounces and was 23 inches long. One big baby I do know that much.

She was such a good baby. Well those first couple of days anyways. Then she turned into the newborn nightmare everyone told me about. In the end I knew it would be well worth all the sleepless nights that were bound to come. "At the end of a long day there's not much more to say then I'm so glad I met you." I sang looking at my sweet sweet Maisey.

That little girl was a beautiful disaster but I loved her to death. She was my child after all. And there's nothing that could change that nor anybody either.

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