Chapter 5: Questions

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**Jay's POV**

This kiss Greg placed on my lips was like fire and ice running through my veins all at the same time. It was like magic somehow. I couldnt explain the way it made me feel inside except for the words WARM AND FUZZY, thats it really. At first I didnt want to kiss him back but I couldn't help it. Something in me told me to throw myself into the kiss whole heartedly and I did just that. I wrapped my arms around Greg's neck and threw myself into the kiss. The passion and love I felt from it was out of this world. I've never felt anything like this before.

At first it didn't seem real but the more he kissed me the more real the whole thing became. I melted into his arms and it got so much better then I'd ever thought I kiss could possibly get. The longer the kiss became the more passionate that it got. I knew that if the passion kept growing it would lead to something more and I just wasn't ready for that stage of this whole thing just yet.

Pulling myself back from Greg I spoke "Greg you and I both know that this is going to end up somewhere neither of us are ready for if we keep going." I said trying to step back out of his arms. He wouldn't let me go though. "You aren't going anywhere right now my little mate. You will be shown to the rest of the pack as my mate in a months time. Within that time you have the option to move all of your things in my bedroom or we can set you up in one of the spare rooms for the time being. By the end of the month though you will be moved into my bedroom with all of your things regardless of what you decide on right now. So you might as well just do it now and get it over with." That's when he let go of me and walked back to the other side of his desk.

"Well that was definitely interesting to say the least." I said before walking out of the room.

**Greg's POV**

"Well that was definitely interesting to say the least." Jay said before walking out of the my office. To say that it was interesting was a huge understatement. It was more than interesting and she knew it as well as I did. There was oh so much more to it than the kiss being just interesting.

I had to prove to her that she could trust me. I had to show her that I wasn't like all these human asshole men who just wanted to treat their women like shit. I had to prove to her that I was the best that she would ever find, that I was the mate she should've known about three years ago. I just didn't know how I was going to do it yet. So I decided to ask my mom. 'Hey mom?' I said through the pack mind link. 'Yeah honey what's up?' Came my mother's voice only seconds later. 'Can you come to my office? I have got to talk to you for a bit. It's important. Nothing bad I promise you that, but important regardless. So please hurry if you could.' I said back to her before shutting the mind link off to everybody.

This was going to be so much more difficult than I had ever thought something could be. I had so much to prove to Jay that I didn't know what to do. It was definitely bad if I had to have my mother come from God knows where on the property just to help me try and figure this whole damn thing out. "God damn it what in the actual fuck am I supposed to fucking do here?" I screamed louder than I thought I had because it began to echo around the room.

My office door opened just then and there stood my mother, all 5 foot 3 inches of craziness hat she was. Compared to my 6 foot 3 inch height she was short as fuck. My father had been a little taller than I was before he passed away. Most human ailments didn't affect us wolves but one thing that did, was cancer. Somehow my father got colon cancer and he died. He'd been gone for almost 6 and 1/2 years by now. It hit my mom the hardest out of either of us. Especially since I was an only child between the two of them.

"Hey kiddo so what's going on here? What do you need my help with this time?" My mother asked me before sitting down in my large solid maple desk chair. "Well mother, as you know I have finally found my mate, late but I have found her. Everything took its ever loving fucking time. I've known her for almost 2 years. Why could the moon goddess make it known that Jay, yes mother I said that, was to be mated to me long before now? Why couldn't she at least come to me and let me know who my mate was suppose to be so that I could start showing her that I would be the man of her dreams? This is so damn fucked up mom!!" I said exasperatedly. As I ran my fingers through my hair my mother spoke.

"Well kiddo I'm happy that you found your mate first off. Second off, the moon goddess does pretty much whatever in the hell the broad wants to. She must have wanted you to wait til you were 24 years old before your mate truly showed herself. Now that she has been shown you're a little upset about it because she couldn't be shown to you long before now. I can understand where you're coming from here Greg. So what is it that you need my help with?"

"Well mom I need help trying to figure out how in the ever living fuck I'm going to prove to Jay that I am who I claim to be. I mean come on now it shouldn't be this hard already. I just found out that she is my mate. Mom I don't want to lose her. I wouldn't be able to take the rejection from her. I loved her long before I ever found out that her and I were to be mated together by the moon goddess and by fate itself. Please for the love God help me figure this whole entire situation out before I start to freak the fuck out mom." I said running my hands through my hair all the while hitting the beginning stages of a super huge ass freak out session.

"Take it easy there kiddo. All you really need to do is continue to do what you've been doing already. Keep up the good attitude. Keep treating her right and the way you always have been. You do that and you'll never lose her. Yeah the relationship is going to have its fights and arguments but every single relationship is going to have that shit and you know it just as well as I do kiddo. Just keep doing things right and you'll ALWAYS have that girl as yours and yours only, kiddo." My mom said looking at me quite sternly.

"Thanks for the help mom. You can get back to doing whatever it was that I pulled you away from." I said pretty much dismissing her. "You actually didn't pull me from anything except a good ass book kiddo so it's all good here." Mom replied before walking out of my office and back to where ever she was before I called her here in the first place.

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