Chapter 11

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Sorry guys it's gotta be yet another short chapter. My brain just isn't working right at the moment to get everything back up to speed. I'm sorry for all the short as fuck chapters guys... Let me know what you think though.

**Jay's POV**

'I was absolutely fucking wrong. Greg had tried to tell the bitch to leave. She'd refused to. The bitch had another thing coming. How could I have been so foolish? How can I be this way to my mate?' I said to my wolf all the while still in Greg's arms, wrapped in his embrace. 'Woman shut up with that crying shit and kiss him already! You know damn well you want to so don't deny the shit and just do it. For God sake give it up already. Not LIKE THAT of course, unless you're wanting to do that.'

She said back to me. She was right. I needed to knock off the cry baby whiny shit. I wanted to kiss him. Like really badly on that one. So I said fuck it, and I kissed him. I looked him dead in his eyes, leaned in towards him, and I kissed with more passion then I has ever thought my body could muster. He was surprised by the kiss at first but then he threw himself into it wholeheartedly.

**Greg's POV**

Just by the way she kissed me I could tell she felt bad about the way she had reacted. I was honestly surprised at first but I threw myself intob the kiss wholeheartedly. It felt amazing to know that just by her seeing the video from the nanny cam that everything very well could be fixed between the two of us. I couldnt believe that it actually worked.

I was exstatic that it did work though. I wrapped my arms around her waist, lifted her up, and spun her around in so many circles that we both got dizzy as fuck. Everything was coming together very nicely and very quickly at that. I didn't care though.

I had everything right where I wanted it to be. Miley was just some crazy two but bimbo whore who wanted something and someone that wasn't hers to have. She wasn't going to get what she wanted either. Miley was an evil, kniving, good for nothing, little bitch who tried to ruin the things she couldn't have for herself.

We just had to watch her now because God knew what she was actually capable of doing to us at any point in time. Everything was not going to get fucked up for me and Jay this time, not if I had anything to say about it. I would have guards on her at all times and out a new updated voice monitor in her phone if I had to do so.

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