18: First Time Part One

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So you know how people say that there's always a first time for everything? Well that's what happens in this chapter. It may or may not be in parts. I'm not quite sure just yet so bear with me on this one guys. Could be an extra long chapter to so please be ready for that. This chapter WILL 100% have sexual content so be ready for that as well. Thanks guys. Oh and I'm also at 160+ reads on the book so far. This means a hell of a lot to me guys.

**Jay's POV**
It's been about two weeks since everything happened by now. Everything was so fucked up I couldnt even begin to think about what the fuck was going on. Everything got so fucked up so quickly that I couldn't even wrap my own head around everything that had actually happened. I damn near died because Mileys whore ass wanted to inject me with so much wolfsbane that it could've killed 1000 plus pack members, if we had them.

Yeah we were kind of a small pack, but let me tell you we were definitely fierce in size. We've done a lot of shit in the past that was pretty good. Some of it was bad to but we had to do what we had to do. We all have our good and our bad days to. Some days we would fight even with each other.

But the shit that had happened in the last 2 months were fucking horrible. Thankfully we didn't start it. Miley was gone and Greg was 95% percent mine. The only thing that we hadn't done yet was complete the mating bond. I had plans for that though. Everything was going to finally be completed tonight.

I've been holding off on it until I felt like I was ready and I finally felt like I was ready. Yeah it wasn't my actual first time, hello duh I was 21 going to be 22 years old this year, but it would be my first time with Greg and I was going to do everything that I possibly could to make it as special as I could for him and me.

I was going to get the sexy underwear and all for tonight. Basically the whole shebang. (Reference to the chips that you can get in some county jails. Lol don't ask.) Everything had to be just fucking perfect.

I took the truck I loved almost as much as I loved Greg. My pretty baby blue dodge ram double cab 4x4 with a 5.7 liter v8 hemi. God that was definitely one sexy fucking truck. Greg was busy doing things in his office so I took my best friend with me. Yes it was a male but hey Greg knew where my heart was and my best friend had a mate to.

His name was Alex. His mates name was Jenni. Jenni was an amazing girl. Alex and Jenni had their first pup on the way and was due in about 2 months. I thought that it was cute and knew that it would be me and Greg someday having a pup of our own.

"Thanks for coming with me guys. I didn't think you would considering what I'm going to be getting for tonight." I said as I drove down the road in my truck. God I loved this truck. I basically call the truck mine because I'm about the only person that drives it other than Greg.

"No problem Jay. You sure as fuck already know if you need us that we will be there for you." Alex said. Alex was one of the best pack warriors that we had. Top 3 if I'm not mistaken. So yeah me and Jenni were safe as fuck and we both knew. The pack was just a mind link away if we needed their help.

"So Alex, me and Jenni are gunna go into Victoria Secret and get some stuff. You can either stay outside the shop or you can walk around with us and be getting totally embarrassed. Which would you prefer?" I laughed as I said it. "I'd rather stay outside but after everything that's happened lately I'm so not letting you two women out of my sight so I guess being embarrassed it is." He replied back begrudgingly.

'God this is going to be fun as fuck.' I thought a little to myself and a little bit towards Jenni through the mind link. She looked at me and cracked the biggest grin I'd seen on her face the entire time we'd been in the truck. We finally got to the mall and headed right for Victoria Secret. Greg was so going to hate me yet love me at the same time for this.

See I finally had my own credit card that was connected to the account with Greg's name on it. It made me kind of upset though that he did it without asking me first if I wanted to be on the account. Yeah it was nice to have access to the money and everything I could possibly want, but at the same time it sucked because I was always raised to work for the money you needed and to work for the things that you needed or wanted.

Being on the account took all of that away from me in an instant. I liked the idea of being able to have damn near no limit on what I could buy but it still sucked some major money dick if you asked me. Again reference the way I was raised. That coupled with me now having a damn near no limit credit card really didn't mix very well.

There were days I wanted to slap the shit out if Greg for it but I never actually hit him. That wouldn't be right.

Walking into Victoria Secret I knew exactly where I wanted to go so I grabbed Alex and Jenni and ran in the very same direction I knew Alex was dreading to go in. I thought it was funny. I was looking for a black or some shade of blue sexy as fuck night gown for tonight. Maybe a two piece bra and panties set depending on what I found first hell I just might get both of them.

As I was pulling on Alex's arm I heard him squeal. "Oh dear god please not the section I think you're going to." He said. Sure enough, and to his dismay, it was the EXACT section he didn't want to be in, the sexy night gown section. The look on his face was absolutely priceless when we got to the exact section I was looking for.

I already knew the exact size that I needed so I just started browsing. I found this sky blue night gown not even five minutes into my search. I saw it and thought to myself 'this would so be perfect. I can't wait to see Greg's face when I walk out of the bathroom in this. Hehehe.' I even evil laughed with it to as I put it over my arm.

Half an hour later we left Victoria Secret with about 200 dollars worth of shit just for me. There were a couple things for Jenni that Alex had no idea about because his ass decided to walk away from us when we started looking at things for her. He was so going to hate me for it but I didn't give two fucks. He'd love me later either way things went and he damn well knew it to.

Walking out of the store he looked at me kind of weird but basically saying 'I'm so going to kill you later for this shit and you know it woman.' But he had a slight grin on his face to. After Victoria Secret we went over to Areopostle and got some stuff from there. Spent another 150 there which it wasn't to hard to do since the mall was always so fucking expensive to buy from. They had some amazing stuff though.

Being that I had my tounge pierced, and had since I was 18, we went to Spencers and Hot Topic to look at the tounge rings and stuff they had there. We walked out with yet another 75 worth of shit that was bought. Couldn't believe that I'd spent over 400 dollars already. "We might want to quit guys. I've spent over 400, damn near 500, already. Greg is going to kill me and we all know it. Let's go home guys." I said as we walked clear across the mall, out the doors, to the truck, and then left. On the drive home was the best part of the day.

My face lit up as one of my favorite songs came on the radio. Tech N9ne's song Fragile. I loved it. The song kind of described my life. I was always felt like I was fucking up something anyways. Tonight though will not get fucked up if I have anything to say about it. Only god knows what would happen tonight. Hopefully everything goes well though.

When we all got back to the pack house Greg had called a meeting. We walked in late as fuck. Oops not our fault. Nobody told us a fucking thing about it. It wasn't to bad though. Just a few updates about pack business. Stuff that didn't really effect Jenni but Alex and I are highly effected by it. Everything was a huge mess.

The pack borders needed to be checked hourly now. That's the biggest thing that needed done. I went up to mine and Greg's room after the meeting actually finished and put everything away. I had to hide the stuff for tonight very well in the closest so that Greg couldn't find it when he went to get clothes for himself whether it be at night for bed or in the morning for during the day. Tonight was going to be fun.

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