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So uhm yeah guys this is going be a short part. It's more of an authors note type thing really. Yes this is a werewolf story but I'm throwing my own little twist into it. I'm not starting off right away with everyone knowing everything. Like I said my own little twist. I'm not very good at updating things on time so please bear with me as I get everything up and running. I'm trying my best here. I've got the copy on here and the hand written copy. If any changes are made you'll all know about it. I thank everybody who will stick around and actually read this book. It's not the first one I've tried to write on here. I've actually tried many times to get a story going but nothing ever really came out right so I deleted it and started a new one. I'm not doing that with this one. I'm sticking with this one as long as I can think of more add to it. So please bear with me as we all make this journey together.

Please read comment like share whatever you guys have to do to get this book out there for me. I wanna start trying to build up at least a little bit of an actual fan base on here. Hopefully this stuff works out this time. Lol.

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