Chapter 10: Explanations

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**Jays POV**

'How can he do this to us? How can he sit there and not say a word to another bitch that's sitting naked in his bed. Like what in the fuck is wrong with him. Why couldn't he say something to her before I went and snapped and tried to kill the bitch for being in our mates bed? What the hell is wrong with him?' I said to my wolf Alyssa.

'Maybe if you would sit down, shut up, and actually listen to the man then maybe you'd know what the fuck happened with the whole fucking thing but no you're to stubborn to do what you know is right. To stubborn to get your big head out of your fucking ass and actually listen to hi....' my wolf got cut off by the pack mind link just then. It was Greg. 'Look I know that you hate me right now but please come to my office. I need to show you something.' He said to me.

'Why the fuck should i?' I asked him quite roughly. 'Because I know you want to know what the fuck Miley was doing in what should be OUR bed. And if you want to know then please come down here. I'll be waiting for a period of 10 minutes before I start watching it myself. My office is where I'll be.' He said before shutting me out once again. "Who the fuck does he think he is?" I shouted at nothing and noone.

I did want to know the truth but I didn't want to deal with Greg right at that moment. I'd have to though if I wanted to know the truth. 'Eh fuck it.' I thought to myself as I headed off towards Greg's office. 'On my way.' I said really quick through the packs mind link to him before shutting it out. I felt a push in my mind but I ignored it. I knew it was Greg. I could tell by the hardened pushing. I wouldn't let it get to me as I headed towards his office.

**Greg's POV**
All I cared about was the fact that Jay was on her way to my office. Maybe this could get fixed with us after all. I missed her quite a bit. More than I'd ever missed anybody in my life other than when my parents had to go take care of pack business in other territories.

It was hard knowing that what happened fucked up everything with Jay. I hated that it happened. I just had to get this fixed before the announcement ceremony in just three days. I had to do something about it. Hopefully if Jay saw this tape she would know the truth about everything.l that actually happened that night. It had already been 4 days since everything had happened.

I didn't have much more time to get this all figured out. For the first three days Jay kept avoiding me at all cost. That by itself had started to get annoying as fuck. I wanted to fix everything with her. She is my mate after all and if this causes her to reject me, I don't know what in the hell I'll do.

Just then I heard a knock on my office door. I knew by the scent coming from the other side that it was Jay. She'd actually come to see the truth. "Come in." I said quickly. In walked Jay. "Look I'm only here to see what it is that you wanted with me. After this, depending on what you want, I'm going back to my room and going to take a nap. I'm tired as fuck right now. I've barely slept in four days." Jay said quickly.

"If you'll just sit on the couch I'll explain everything." I replied solmnly. Jay moved towards the couch and then sat down upon it. "Watch this nanny cam footage and then I'll explain everything else if you need the help understanding what the fuck happened that night." I said as I pushed play. I'd watched it what felt like 1000 times when in reality it was only five times maybe six at the most.

Twenty-five seconds later there sat Jay crying on my office couch. She stood up, with her head hanging low as fuck it seemed and walked over to me. Looking up at me I saw the tears rolling down both of her cheecks. "I'm sorry" was all she managed to get out of her mouth before I wrapped my arms around her.

She cried in my arms for what felt like an eternity when in reality it was only maybe 5 minutes. She sobbed and sobbed soaking my shirt. I forced her to look up at me. "Babygirl there's nothing and I mean NOTHING you have to worry about with me. I promise you that. This mate bond thing is way to strong between us. You are the one I am supposed to be with. Not that stupid ass, good for nothing, egotistical, over bearing, under rated, egocentric, two bit whore Miley. Babygirl I love you. Ain't no other thottie ass bitch going to change that either." I said then i kissed her ever so softly.

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