Chapter 1

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"Jay will you come here for a minute?" Greg asked from the kitchen. "Yeah hold on a minute Greg." Jay replied setting down her pen and paper on the coffee table. Walking over to Greg, Jay said " What's up?" To which Greg replied " Can you sit at the table with me for a minute? I want to talk to you and explain something to you." Looking puzzled Jay sat down and said "Okay, what's up?" Looking at Jay with what could only be explained as adoration in his eyes Greg spoke. " You know how we've been friends for going on two years now and we've become best friends right?" "Yeah, what about it?" Jay replied. "W...w...well for's grown into more than just loving you as my friend. It's more than being best friends with you..." Cutting Greg off Jay says "What in the world are you getting at here Greg?" A little stunned by Jays words, Greg continues to speak "Well what Jay what I'm trying to get at is the fact that I have somehow, someway, for some unknown reason begun to grow feelings for you. I can't even begin to explain why or how, all I know is that my feelings towards you have started to change into something that I thought was long gone. You've always ALWAYS treated me better than any of the other females I know have ever treated me. You've always treated me with the most respect that I've ever gotten. I've not once ever had a single female treat me the way you do Jay. I've never had that kind of thing happen to me and you damn well fucking know it. You can try to sit there and deny it all you want to but I can see the look in your eyes when I'm around Jay. You're starting to feel something for me and you know it just as well as I do." Stunned, Jay begins to stutter but say "So what you mean to tell me is that you're falling for me?" To which Greg replied "Yeah, pretty much Jay. Is that so wrong?"

Sitting there a little taken aback, Jay weakly replies with "No, it's not. It just came as a surprise is all Greg." Then she asks Greg a question. "Why are you just now telling me this Greg?" Weakly he replied "Because, I didn't know how or even where to begin Jay. I haven't felt even remotely like this in quite some time now. Something about you though just... I don't even know how to explain it to you."

Totally and completely taken aback Jay looks directly into Gregs eyes and says "Well damn you beat me to it." It wasn't as strongly as Jay would've liked but it caught enough of Gregs attention. "Wait a minute! What did you just say to me Jay?" He said. "I said that you beat me to it Greg. Yes that means what you think it does. Hell what do you think I've been trying to write down on that paper over there on the coffee table? I've been sitting over there trying to write down how I really feel about you. It just doesn't want to come out right on paper. You know it just as well as I do that it wouldn't come out of my mouth any better either."

"How long have you been wanting to tell me this? How long have you been trying to tell me this shit? Jay why didn't you try to tell me this shit sooner?" Greg said quietly while looking everywhere except at Jay. "Because I was so scared that it was going to ruin our friendship Greg. I don't want to lose that with you! You're my best friend Greg. I can't lose you." Jay replied with an unreadable expression on her face. "Jay, you honestly have no idea how much what you just said to me really means to me." Greg replied ever so slowly.

"It probably meant meant quite a bit more than I thought it would." Jay quietly replied. "More than you'll ever know Jay. The words you just said to me just told me exactly how you feel without you having to actually say it out loud." Greg strongly replied. With which Jay said "How could you possibly be able to tell how I really feel from just a couple sentences Greg. I just don't understand how you could possibly get that from what I said."

"Let's see here Jay. You called me your best friend. You said you were scared to tell me because you didn't want to ruin our friendship. But the thing you said that really told me was the fact that you said that you couldn't lose me. Jay, let me tell you this. You're not going to lose me in the near future let alone ever, trust and believe me when I say that."

"There's so much more to how I feel about you then what you know Greg. We've been friends for almost two years now yeah, but it's so much more than just being friends Greg. Oh so much more." Jay replied stronger than what she thought she would.

Standing up from his chair, Greg began to move towards the couch. "What do you think youre doing?" Jay asked him. "Going to the coffee table to read what you've wrote about me." He replied before quickly darting towards the couch. Quickly standing, Jay flew around her kitchen chair, around Greg, and jumped over the back of the couch, grabbing her paper mid air. "Oh no you don't Greg! Not until it's done and everything sounds perfect to me. I want it to be just right before I let you read it. Yeah I could read it to you but you know how that one would be in the end." Jay screamed while trying to keep the papers from Greg. "Or you could sit that ass the fuck down, take a deep breath, and just tell me yourself Jay. It can't be that fucking hard to explain." Greg retorted quickly. Slowly looking at Greg, Jay began to speak., "Greg, you don't get how hard this is for me do you? Being in love with your best friend and being scared to tell them is such a hard and very stressful fucking situation."

With a surprised look on his face Greg began to speak "You're in what with me, Jay? Repeat that for me could you please."

To which Jay said "I said that you don't get how hard it is being in LOVE with my best friend and being so god damn scared to tell them the truth about how I feel about them. Okay, there I said it again. I won't repeat myself again. If you didn't catch that, I just don't know what in the utter fucking hell to tell your ass Greg." Then she turned on her heel and went to walk away. Without thinking Greg ran up to Jay, grabbed her arm, spun her completely around, and spur of the moment kissed her. Completely stunned but happy, Jay all but threw herself into the surprise kiss. Coming back to her senses though, Jay broke the kiss and backed away from Greg. "W... w... what was that for?" Jay asks Greg.

"That was the start of me showing you how I feel about you, that's what it was woman. Is that so wrong to be doing when I love and care about you the way I do. You may not see it but I can tell you that there's people out there that can see it." Greg confidently replied.

"I see a whole lot of things from you all the time but I don't understand how you could 'LOVE' a person like me Greg. I don't see what everybody else sees in me." Greg looked away for a moment. All of a sudden the most amazing smell came wafting through the air. It smelled like hard peppermint candy and regular mint and strawberries. "What in the actual fuck is that smell? It's absolutely amazing!" Jay says as Gregs eyes focus in on hers.

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