Chapter 16: Is She Going To Die?

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**Greg's POV**
Just like that everything was falling apart right in front of my eyes once again. God why did this shit have to happen to me. Everything was just now starting to actually become something. Why in the ever living fucking hell did have to happen now., to me of all fucking people. I've tried to do my best here as alpha to this pack.

I was still thinking to myself when I felt a push on the mind link. It was the pack doctor. 'Alpha Greg I need to speak with you. It's about your mate.' That's all she had to say before I took off at a dead run towards the pack hospital.

After getting to the pack hospital I tore threw each of the rooms to find the doctor. The last room I came to was my precious mates room. The doctor was in there with her. She was pulling wires and plugs out of all of Jay's machines at that point. Something was wrong and I could feel it deep down in my heart. What could it be though.

All of a sudden I felt a sharp pain in my chest. 'Oh dear god this can not be happening!!!!!' I thought to myself. I rushed over to Jay's side and I started crying. Begging the moon goddess not to take her from me. The pain in my chest continued on for almost 5 minutes straight before it started to lessen up even in the slightest little bit.

The pain could only mean one thing, Jay was dying. I just couldn't lose her now. I hadn't even been able to tell her how much I loved her and what she truly meant to me. This woman was everything there was in the world to mean to a person and she was oh so much more to me. How could everything fall apart once again. 'This can't be happening to me.' I almost thought aloud. I caught myself before I did though.

Turning to the doctor who cowered in the corner I said "You there cowering in the corner like a little puppy who did something wrong, come here. I demand to know what's wrong with my mate." I could've laughed at the doctors expression if it weren't so grim at that moment.

The way her voice sounded made me want to laugh even harder. "Sir your mate was injected with enough wolfsbane to kill an army of 1000 or more. Somehow her heart is still beating but it won't be for much longer. You must say your goodbyes now sir. The mortuary will be here in the morning to get the body. I'm sorry sir." She said solemnly before walking away and out of the room.

Then it hit me again. The intensity of the pain was worse this time though. It's as if my head were being ripped off my shoulders while I was still alive. It felt as if my heart had been ever so slowly ripped out of my chest, thrown to the ground, and stomped so many times I couldnt have ever been able to count them all.

How could the moon goddess make it to where I found and then lost my mate. I just don't understand it. Not one single fucking bit of it. I don't understand it at all. All the beeping and the booping that came from the monitors slowly stopped. I stood on my knees at Jay's bedside and I prayed.

I prayed for the first time since god knows when. I prayed that somebody would bring her back to me. I prayed for over 5 minutes straight before anything even happened. That's okay though because at least something started to happen. Jay's fingers began to twitch against my own hand. I looked up at her and spoke softly but with tears rolling down my face.

"Jay please come back to me. I need you. This pack needs you. It's nothing here without you. Babygirl please come back to me. I love you to much to lose you. Don't leave me please Jay. Come back to me babygirl. Come back to me." I kept going on and on and on like that for what felt like forever. Then I heard Jay's small and fragile little chuckle.

"So you love me huh?" Came her voice. I looked up and thought I was dreaming. Or that I'd died and gone to heaven to be with her. Then, as slowly as she could possibly go, she squeezed my hand that held her own. "Is it really you babygirl?" I asked her dumbfounded. "Yes, it's me Greg sheesh." She said quite exasperatedly.

I slowly got up, walked up towards her head farther, bent down, and gently kissed my sweet angel. It was slow due to all the injuries she'd gotten. I didn't want anything else to happen to her. I'd already damn near lost her twice now.

"Everything's going to be different for a while now but you'll get used to it after a while. When you get out of here, you'll have a guard on with you at all times to make sure things like this don't ever happen again babygirl. Highly different for a while but it will go away again when I'm sure there's no threat to you, this pack, or anybodys lives her. And yes I love you babygirl. With all my heart. Nothing can change that for me. We've been friends for almost two years now. How could I not love you though. You're an amazing woman. You're beautiful as fuck. You make me smile. I love the way you look at me. I love that little giggle of yours. I love the way youve held my hand while we walk. I love everything about you babygirl don't you ever forget that either." I said before I gently kissed her again.

"Everything's going to be alright in the end of things babygirl. I always got you." I said before walking out of the room for just a moment. God only knew what had happened in the last couple hours. All I knew was that Jay was alright and things were about to go back to normal.

Or so I might have thought. God only knew what would happen next.

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