Chapter 14: Announcement (Part 2)

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**Jay's POV**
On the solid hour drive home, Lexi and her mate did nothing but talk or make out. Ugh! I haven't ever been like that with my mate and I've been with him longer than Lexi's known hers. All I knew was that he was 23 years old, his name was Tyler but he went by Ty only, he had blonde hair with green eyes, and was an arrogant jackass whenever I said something to him. So I left the two love birds the fuck alone.

Ty was so not going to get along with Greg and the rest of the pack if he didn't change his attitude and fast because we were about to turn on to the road that lead to the pack house.  Just as I turned on the road o had to stop the truck. There stood greg in all his glorifiable wolf form. 'Fuck.' I thought to myself.

"Ty you might want to not be such a dick right now. Especially since that is the alpha to be and my mate." I said to Ty just after I stopped the truck. I got out and looked at Greg. Boy did he looked pissed and I think I knew why.

I had another male in the truck with me and his sister. The rage in his eyes was evidence enough. God knew what was going to happen when I stepped out of the truck. I knew I'd have to drag Lexi with me. This was about to get very interesting within the next few seconds.

I got out of the truck just then. Dragging Lexi over the back of the seats with me. Stepping our of the truck was the easy part. Telling Greg about the fact that Lexi had found her mate was going to be the fun part. "Before you say anything at all let me say something, cuz I already know what you're going to say. Yes there's another guy in the truck but there's a reason for it. The guy still in the truck is your sisters mate. She found him today while we were out shopping. I pulled rank and that's what got him here." I said before Greg could ever find the words to say.

"Okay well you should've called and told me what was going on before you put another male wolf in our truck babe." He said back to me. "Yeah I realize that but you also have to realize that I would've rather brought him here to you first. That way you guys could discuss, as gentlemen, and come up with something that would work for all of us." I replied back quickly. "You're right. Anyways there's only a few hours until the ceremony. You and sis need to go get ready while me and Tyler sit down and talk about everything. I'll see you at the ceremony babygirl. Don't take to long thought because we are supposed to walk in together." He said back agreeing with me. Which actually quite surprised me quite a bit.

I dragged Lexi back to the truck to tell Ty that he had to have a man to man talk with Greg. Just then I looked at the front seat and I sprinted away from Lexi, yanked open the truck door, slammed the truck in park, and ripped Ty out of my seat. "What in the actual fuck do you think you are doing trying to step this truck? Not only will he kill you but so will i. Nobody fucks with my truck, my family, my friends, or any children in the future. So now I'm dragging you out this truck." I said before I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, yanking him down from my fucking truck, and straight to in front of Greg.

"You just fucked up little boy. You fucked with the wrong truck. THROW HIM IN THE CELLS FOR 3 HOURS The ceremony is in 6 hours." Greg said before turning to me and a very shocked Lexi. "Bubby why the fuck would you do that. He's my mate. He's just scared of you that's all it is. He's heard from other packs and other alphas how you can be when it comes to me or anyone else that you care about. He's told me so himself. Jay wasn't paying attention otherwise she would've heard him say it on the way here." Lexi screamed at her brother before she ran off.

"Well that was eventful as fuck." I said before kissing Greg quickly on the cheek and then running off to go get dressed for the ceremony in just 5 and a half hours.

**5 1/2 Hours Later**
I was finally ready for this damn ceremony thing i had to go to. Waiting by the ballroom I stood looking for Greg. Suddenly there was a tap on my shoulder. There's stood my mate, looking sexier then I'd ever seen him. All he knew was that my dress was a mix of two shades of blue and he managed to find a suit vest that fit the color of my dress perfectly. He seriously looked to sexy for his own good right now.

"You ready for this babygirl?" Greg asked me. "Yeah let's go babe." I said before I stepped around him so that I was standing beside him and linked my arm with his. The big ballroom doors opened up then. And that's when the scents hit me. Punch, alcohol (thank god I had my ID on me), food, all the scents hit me at once. It was a mix of pleasentries though so it was all good.

Greg guided me straight up to the biggest stage steps id ever seen. 'Oh fuck this is going to be fun as fuck!' I thought to myself quite sarcastically. This was not going to be any more fun then I thought it might have been. In fact it was going to be less fun then I'd ever had. All of sudden Greg's voice spreads throughout the entire ballroom.

"Ladies and gentlemen we have all been gathered here for one reason. To announce the arrival of my mate and you future luna. She's here with now. Jay come here please." He said to the entire room but more to me than anything. So without a single hesitant thought in my mind I walked over to where Greg stood and I yanked the second mic out of its stand and spoke.

"Ladies and gentlemen I thank you all for coming this evening. It's a great honor to be here. When I first found out that Greg, who was my best friend, was my mate I kind of freaked out. I even broke Mileys jaw when she thought she could pull something slick on us all and it didn't work. As much as I don't really want to I do apologize to her for breaking her jaw. Although she deserved the beating that she got for being in another males bed naked when he has a mate." The entire room erupted into a loud mess of fucking noise just then.

"Will you all just shut the hell up for a minute and let me finish?" The entire room went from a loud uproar to nothing but quiet. "Thank you. Now to finish what I was trying to say before you all turned into an up roaring crowd of lunatics. Yes I understand that breaking her jaw and freaking out like that was probably out of line but when I find somebody in my mates bed that's not supposed to be there I'm going to flip the fuck out on the broad. Anyways I vow as the soon to be Luna of this pack that I will do whatever needs to be done to help protect the men, women,  and children within this pack. If I have to I will give my life for the members of this pack."

The pack unleashed the biggest round of applause that I'd ever heard just then. It made me feel good to know that the pack was accepting me as the future luna to their pack. Felt really fucking good to.

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