Chapter 7: Psychotic Snap

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(Sorry guys but this one's going to be a lot shorter than normal. My hands and everything are hurting a little bit today and it's making it harder for me to get enough written. I will try to make the next couple of chapters a little longer than I normally do that way it'll get me a little caught up. Hopefully that will make up for all the lost words with this chapter.)

**Jay's POV**

The last two weeks had gone by so quickly. I still hadn't gotten my dress and everything that I needed for next week. I knew Greg had a little sister named Lexi. She was only 17 maybe 18 years old. I thought I'd ask her if she wanted to go shopping with me here in a minute. I tried the mind link thing to get ahold of her faster.

"Hey lexi what are you doing?" I asked her. She responded immediately. "Nothing Luna. What can I do for you?" I thought it was quite funny that she called me 'Luna'. I didn't really like the title. But I'd have to get used to it sooner or later anyways. "You don't have to call me that Lexi. Please call me Jay. Anyways I was wondering if you wanted to go shopping with me here in a minute?" I asked her then.

"Yeah sure. How are we getting there and back." She asked suddenly. "That's where your brother comes in. I was going to ask him if he would either take us or let us borrow a vehicle to go and do this because I still have to get my gown for tonight." I said quickly. "Greg, let us borrow a car, ha ha ha that's funny but worth a try. Let me get ready and I'll meet you by the front door." She said before closing off the mind link.

Now I had to search this huge ass house to find my mate. I so didn't like living here just yet but I knew that one day I'd have to get used to it, so fuck it right.

I found Greg in his bedroom which I kind of figured because it was still kind of early. Now normally I'm not a violent person but what I found inside pissed me straight the fuck off. Walking in I saw Greg's back. Didn't really think anything of that but when I walked in the room farther what I saw or rather who I saw in his bed made me go completely fucking psycho.

I saw Miley sitting on Greg's bed completely fucking naked wearing nothing but a smug ass fucking smile on her face. She saw me and I knew it to. I wanted her to see me coming in because now I could rip her fucking head off. Then I'd deal with greg. Miley was first priority here right now.

I launched myself around Greg and at Miley. I landed right in front of her on the bed. "Jay what a nice sur..." She couldn't finish because I wrapped my fingers around her bony neck choking the living shit out of her. She couldn't breathe and that was a good thing in my eyes. For the first 5 seconds I squeezed harder and harder. The whole thing lasted less than 30 seconds but it was the funniest shit I'd dealt with all damn day so far.

"If I EVER catch you near my mate again, I'll rip your throat out with my teeth and send it to your mother." I lowly growled at her before Greg pulled me off her. I made sure to scrape my nails across her neck as my hands left her neck. They left small but thick red marks on her neck. I laughed psychotically as Greg pulled me into the hall way so the stupid cunt could dress herself in private.

"What in the ever living fuck was that about Jay? You didn't have to launch yourself around me and at Miley like that!! It was way the fuck out of line. What the fuck were you thinking here?" Greg all but screamed at me. "The whore was in your bed naked as fuck. On top of that you just stood there gawking at her like it was nothing. I came to tell you what I had decided to do but saw this nasty ass bitch in your bed and I fucking snapped. Sorry if it pissed you off but I don't give two fucks!!!!!" I screamed at him before running out of his room and back to my own.

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