Chapter 6

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**Jay's POV**
On my way back to my room to try and think about moving all my stuff into Gregs room I saw his mom heading towards the office I'd just come from mere minutes before I'd seen her. I couldnt imagine why she was heading towards the office. Personally i didnt really care either. Probably needed to talk to greg about something actually. Oh well none of my business. This house was absolutely fucking huge though. It had to have at least 18 bedrooms and just the same amount of bathrooms if not many more than that. The master bedroom was of course Greg's since he ran this entire place. All the other bedrooms were given to what everybody called the Betas, the Omegas, and the most experienced of the packs warriors.

My entire world had just gotten flipped inside out and thrown around quicker than I had ever thought would ever be possible. What the hell was I going to do with myself? I had what I was told was called a mate. Basically meaning the person I was destined to be with for the rest of my life that just so happened to be my best friend. How the fuck that happened I didn't know. I didn't mind all that much anyways.

Greg was an amazing young man. He worked his ass off to make the money he needed to do the things that he needed to do. Not that he really needed the extra money. People would literally shit themselves if they found out that the world I lived in now actually existed.

Either my mother, my father, or both of them had the wolf gene in their body's in order to be able to pass it on to me. I was an only child, which sucked, but I absolutely loved children. I couldnt wait to have some of my own though. I knew though that in due time the children would come. Whether it was by adoption or me actually giving birth to them, they'd come one way or another.

"Well if it isn't the new LUNA!" Came a voice up ahead of me. Out of the shadows stepped another she-wolf. I didn't know her name nor did I really give a rats ass. She was a tall blonde girl with bright blue eyes. That's all I knew about her. "If you think you are going to take my place as Luna for this pack then you have another thing coming you little bitch. Greg and the Luna place are MINE!" She growled at me.

"Unless you're his mate I highly doubt it now leave me the fuck alone you crazy bitch. I don't know who the fuck you think you are but you really don't know who you're fucking with right now. You really don't want to either." I snarled back at her. All of a sudden she was right in front of me. How she got there so fast I don't really know. The next thing I know the bitches hands are around my throat trying to choke the life out of me.

**Greg's POV**
After mom left my office, not even five minutes after actually, I felt like I couldn't breathe. My throat felt like it was being squeezed on with a vice grip. Something was wrong with Jay. Somebody had to have been trying to choke the life out of her. I tore out of my office following Jay's scent. Two seconds later what I saw in front of me pissed the fuck off. "Get your god damn hands off her now or I will kill you. That is your future Luna you ungrateful little bitch. Now get your hands off of her Miley." I said to the she-wolf with her hands around my perfect little mates neck.

Her hands dropped away instantly. What happened after that was funny as well as ballsy as fuck. Jay balled up her right fist and punched Miley right in the mouth and did the same with her left. Two punches to each side of miles jaw and poof. The damn thing was broke. My mate had just broke another she-wolfs jaw. Holy shit that was sexy as fuck. "Jay that wasn't needed but that was funny as fuck. What the hell led up to this shit?" I asked her.

"The stupid ass little cunt just came out of nowhere saying that if I thought I was going to take her place as Luna that I had another thing coming. She also said that you and the place as Luna was hers. Then she came out of nowhere again and started choking the shit out of me. The bitch is lucky you came along when you did. Other wise I would've done worse than just breaking her jaw." Jay said before Miley had even walked away.

The look on mileys face was priceless. If Jay could sit there and hit Miley only twice thus breaking her jaw then Jay had to have been stronger than mileys jaw could've ever been. Hell Jay probably could do the same to me. Mental note not to piss her off. Would definitely have to get Jay into training with the warriors. She went straight up beast mode on Mileys jaw.

I couldnt help myself. I grabbed Jay by her shoulders, pulled her to me, tilted her face up towards mine, wrapped one arm around her waist, and then placed my lips on hers. It took her by surprise. The kiss only last a second or two before Jay broke away but boy was it worth it man. Just holding her in my arms was enough for me.

**Jay's POV**

He kissed me again. Even though it only lasted a second or two before I pulled away the kiss was still as magical as the one before it. It was like fire and ice all over again. Who knew a single kiss could make my head spin like this, because I sure as fuck didnt. Yeah I've been kissed before but never anything like the last two I'd gotten. Hell fire and ice didn't even begin to explain the way that these two kisses made me feel. Even warm and fuzzy couldn't do it. I didn't know how to explain it. I did know one thing though.

The more I looked at Greg every single day, the sexier he truly became. I didn't exactly know why but it was probably could have been the whole mate bond thing that he'd told me about earlier in the day. We hadn't fully mated yet. I wasn't ready for that. Not yet anyways. Greg was staring at me at that moment. "What's up?" I said.

"Oh nothing. Just admiring how beautiful you are." He quietly replied. "Me, beautiful, ha ha ha yeah right Greg but if you say so." I quickly retorted back at him. "You are beautiful and there's nothing you can do or say about it so hush woman." He said before walking me to the room that was mine for the time being.

The rest of the night was a bit of a blur for me. The rest of the pack came and went as they pleased. Some greater me with a hello or hi and some others just looked at me as if they were trying to figure out who in the hell I was. I didn't mind it for some reason though. They'd find out soon enough who I really was and what my place here in this pack would be. They wouldn't look at me in disgust anymore either. 

They all probably thought I was some new comer that had found her mate here. Which yeah I was but they didn't realize just yet who my mate actually was. The look on their faces at the announcement ceremony was going to be priceless. Which now that I think about it the ceremony was only in three fucking weeks.

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