Chapter 3

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**Jay's POV**
I'd been running for I don't know how long by the time I slowed down. Normally I got tired long before now but something had changed in my body. I don't know what but I liked it. I could run for longer periods of time and wouldn't get tired or fatigued at all. My life was spinning so out of control right now that I didn't know what to do with the damn thing. It was completely driving me fucking nuts at the moment. All the new seemingly bullshit ass information Greg gave me almost two weeks ago was still spinning around in my mind. How was it that there were human, correction werewolves, running around in the world. Plus to think that I was very well possibly one as well. Good what was going on with my life. Spiraling out of control and going nowhere fast. What the fuck was I going to do with it? Suddenly there was a sound behind me, the sound of a branch breaking as it's being stepped on. 'Oh shit. It's probably Greg.' I thought before I said "Eh fuck it come and get me you fucking asshole." With my hypersensitive hearing, it still took the person following me a good 3 minutes to catch up to me. Which actually gave me enough time to get into a pretty decent hiding place.

Boy was I wrong though. Across the field I'd come to came the biggest wolf I'd ever seen, even though this wolf was the first I'd ever seen. 'Man this is getting freakier by the second man' I thought to myself. What the fuck was I going to do here? I was a small human female, or so I thought.

'Hello' came a voice inside my head. 'Hi who are you?' I replied to this inner voice. 'I'm your wolf, Alyssa, and you need to shift. It's going to hurt like a bitch but you need to do it, and you need to do it now. Visualize yourself in wolf form and concentrate on it. You'll shift shortly after that. It's vital that you do this otherwise your going to end up dead in this field before Greg, his wolf Zander, and the pack warriors can get here. Greg will sense your shift because you are his mate. You must hurry though. Oh and you might want to strip completely naked unless you want to shred your clothes and have nothing to wear when you shift back into your human form.'

Listening to the voice in my head I stripped completely naked and began to visualize myself in wolf form. All of a sudden the most intense pain I'd ever felt in my life began all over my body, but I stayed focused on my shift, as my inner voice had told me.

It was over in less than a minute. It still hurt like a bitch afterwords but I felt a huge power surge through my body that I'd never felt before. The other wolf was almost to where I stood and even though I thought it was absolutely fucking nuts of me to do, I stepped out of my hiding place. Looking at the other wolf I began growling at it.

All of a sudden I felt this power surge towards me from the other wolf and I was forced to bow down in surrender. Right there as if the other wolf didn't care, it shifted right there in front of me. Come to find out it was actually Greg. 'Holy shit. This shit is real. What in the actual fuck is going on here man?' I thought to myself.

What came next surprised the fuck out of me even more.

"Do you believe me now my dead Mate?" Greg said. I raised my right paw to try and signal him to hold on then slowly walked back to where my clothing was located at in the tree line behind me.

'Alright, Alyssa, how the hell do I shift back to human form so I can actually talk to him?' I asked my wolf.

'All you have to do is the opposite of what I told you before. Instead visualizing yourself as a wolf, just visualize yourself as human again and it will happen. Don't forget to get dressed though cuz otherwise Greg and Zander will see all of your sexiness and I don't think you want that right now do you dear?' She replied. 'Yeah no I don't want them seeing my entire body right now, he'll possibly at all. But alright let's see if this one hurts like a bitch.' I said before attempting to shift back to my human form.

Sure enough it hurt like a bitch but I put up with it. 'Hopefully this gets easier as it goes along.' I thought while sitting there getting dressed again. When I finished I walked out of the tree line to stand face to face with not only Greg, but someone who I assume was Jake, and the entire set of the pack warriors.

"So is somebody going to tell me exactly what in the actual fuck is going on here. And no I won't pass out for a week straight this time either." I said in a smartass tone of voice.

Greg stepped forward then. "I will just as soon as you get your ass back to the pack house and in my office." He said before stepping up next to me and whispering in my ear "Run off like that again and I just might have to tie you to OUR bed and have my way with you, as a bit of a 50 shades of grey style punishment." Before turning around and sprinting off in the direction he came from.

Looking at the remaining pack members I said "Well boys and girls, let's get back to the house before this big bad alpha of ours flips the fuck out again then comes looking for all of us. Don't want to be ripped a new asshole now do we?" Before sprinting off in the same direction that Greg had only moments earlier. Soon after I took off towards the pack house everybody else began to follow, and quite quickly I might add, all the while simultaneously saying "Yes, Luna." as they ran.

I didn't know what Luna meant, yet, but I knew that I soon would know everything that I was missing in my oh so overly crowded life. When I got back to the house Greg had a hell of a lot of questions to answer and from the sounds of what he told me a little bit ago I was going to be able to find out when I got back. 'Thank god for small favors.' I thought while I ran back to the house.

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