Bedrooms- Chapter 33

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When we got back to the hotel I just followed Zayn till we got to our hall.

"Niall?" A voice said. I turned around to see Hunter.

"Hey Hunter" I smiled, opening my arms for a hug. She jogged towards me and I wrapped her in a hug. I missed her too. She set me and Piper up and I was hoping she'd do it again.

"Hey Niall, I've missed you and hey, I have a surprise for you, but you'll have to wait till the wedding" She winked, walking back to Piper.

"So which room babe?" Noel asked.

"Shutup Noel, I don't know, you're only staying tonight, Simon said he arranged your flight" I said quietly.

"Thank god" She huffed.

"Anyways, you'll be staying with us and Noel with the girls, I'm sure they have a futon" Zayn waved her off.

"Whatever" Noel said, grabbing her bags.

"I don't like her" Zayn said to me as we walked into the hotel room.

"Hey man" Aaron said, "Sorry 'bout earlier, had to put on a show for the bae " He said.

"Shut up" I said, "If you break her heart I'll break you"

"Calm down Niall, I wont break her heart" Aaron said, "I'll shatter it"

"Calm down Ni, he is just getting you railed up, he wont break her heart because then you know she likes him" Zayn said. Didn't she like him? Wasn't that the reason she said yes? Did she always lie to her boyfriends?

"Do I have to stay here? In this room? With him?" I asked, do you really I want to stay in the same room who is about to break MY girls' heart? NO.

"Yea, sorry dude" Aaron laughed.

"Unless you want to stay with the girls?" Zayn smiled, "No touching Hunter"

"Got it" I said, grabbing a white shirt and gym shorts and throwing them on. I grabbed a sleeping bag and pillow and walked over to their room and knocked.

"Niall?" Hunter opened the door.

"Hey Hunter?" I said unsurely.

"Did you want to you want to talk to Piper?" Hunter asked.

"Actually, the guys kicked me out," I lied, "I was too good for them, can I crash here?"

"No" She said flatly, "Unless you want to watch Dear John"

"Course" I lied again, shit I can't stop lying.

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