That moment- chapter 1

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I saw him. There he was. My favorite guy in the whole world, my best fiend. Niall. He was the only reason that I stayed in Ireland. We were both 15. My mom and Dad sent me here to live with my aunt and if I liked it I could stay. He was so funny, and my next door neighbor.

"Hey Piper" He said in his cute Irish accent, I loved his accent. It made him so attractive, and every other guy here too. My name is Piper Kay. I am 15, and soon to be 16. I am a month younger than Niall, exactly a month. Its also my 2nd year living here in two days.

"Hey Niall, what's up?" He smiled, he hadn't bleached his hair in a while, making it almost completely brown. I had brown hair too with dark brown eyes. I was almost as tall as Niall. He had to look down to see my eyes though.

"I am about to beach my hair soon" He said. He was sitting on a stump that was in between our mail boxes. It was 8:30 in the morning and I was getting mail in my pjs. He sat there all alone, the street lights were still on and it was a dark and gloomy day.

"Wait, let me get my camera before you do" I said as he chuckled.

"Why Pipes?" He laughed, I hated that nickname and every time he called me that I would call him Nialler just to piss him off.

"Because, your never a brunette and I want to saver the moment" I said in a funny voice leaving Niall to go get my camera. I came back out and took a photo of him sitting on the stump.

"You are ridiculous Pipes" He laughed.

"Shut up Nialler" I said, walking with him inside his house to the bath room. I sat on the large bathroom counter as he began to bleach his hair. I took countless photos of him, he looked hilarious.

"Pipe, stop taking photos" He said covering my lens.

"But you look funny" I said whining.

"ugh, just stop" He said making a painful face from the bleach.


hi! well I tried to make it so you could see their connection and how well they get along. I write a lot of Fan fiction and get new ideas all the time for new stories do I write new ones constantly all at the same time. So, if you want a update I might not for a while due to my other stories, so check those out! Stranded wont be updated for a while, only on Fridays, sorry! Enjoy!

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