My date...AWESOME!!- chapter 16

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I smiled to myself. My outfit, perfect. Make up, perfect. Smile, on. Teeth, white. Hair, done. Excitement, over the hill.

"Hello?" I heard a voice open the door, my dad opened the door.

"Hello, George, is your daughter ready?" Niall asked, he smiled behind his rose.

"Piper, Niall is here" My dad whispered to me. I came down the steps and smiled at Niall, He looked up from his rose to me.

"Wow" Niall let escape his lips. His hair was in a quiff and cut nicely (I know he didn't look like that, go with it) He looked nice. His Outfit was black dress pants and a black and white sweater.

"Mr. Horan" My dad smiled "take good care of her"

"I will" He said linking my arm in his. He handed me the rose. This will be AWESOME!!!! We began to walk over to my driveway. I hadn't looked up from the rose.

"So, Mr. Horan, as handsome as you are, where are we going tonight, on the loveliest of nights?" I asked. I didn't like going big all of the time, mainly around Hunter. I wanted simple, but the way he was dressed, it didn't seem like a simple date.

"Ms. Kay, I would love to inform you, but I don't feel like telling you. But once you look up from your little rose friend, you'll see the way we be getting there" He smiled. I looked up to a horse and carriage.

"Wow, Niall, did you do this?" I asked I looked to the man, He smiled and waved.

"Yea, I thought my princess would need a way to get to the date, right Ms. Kay?" He smiled. I couldn't help but squeal. "You like it?"

"More than anything in the world." I smiled as the man took my hand to help me up the steps.

"Ma' Lady, welcome aboard to my little horse and carriage ride. This is my Horse, Butterscotch." The man smiled. "My name is Marcus."

"Piper Kay, thank you for having me Marcus and Butterscotch" I smiled taking a seat in the wooden carriage. "This reminds me of my home, thank you Niall"

"Your welcome, One question though, why does it remind you of Home?" He asked taking a seat next to me.

"Well, Adrienne, she is a horse trainer, anytime I see a horse it would remind me of her horse trips. Butterscotch was my horse, Gipper was hers." I smiled. (A/n This is true, Butterscotch is my horse and Adrienne is a horse trainer with a horse names Gipper)

"Wow, well then you might like the date then" He smiled to himself.

"I already do" I smiled.

"Piper, remember that time you came over, like when we were 14. You said 'what are you doing' and I said, 'playing Princess and the knight with my baby cousin' " Niall smiled at my favorite memory.

"Yeah, and I played along. Soon she left and we played pretend for a while." I smiled. "When you finally saved me in the tree house, you were about to kiss me" I laughed. I remember it all.

"Sorry bout that, we were young and I really liked you, a school yard crush." He smiled. "It's better than that now"

"Oh yeah? Well, I had a crush on you too. Remember that time when we first met. Your clear blue eyes just made me have a crush on you, but your personality...WOW" I smiled. He blushed a deep red.

"WE ARE HERE!" Marcus yelled. I snapped out of his eyes to the nice water front park. Wow. It was a nice little place, little places to eat and shop. It was beautiful, many little swinging benches.

"Thank you Marc" Niall smiled, we hopped off the carriage.

"bye, butterscotch and Marcus" I smiled patting the cream tan colored horse.

"Bye, beautiful " Marcus smiled. Niall shot a look at him. "Lucky bastard" he mumbled.

"Well, he needs to know when to step off" Niall said, I giggled. The stars began to shine.  Niall walked me over to a little checkered blanket.

"A picnic?" I asked.

"No, I thought you'd wanna watch the stars" He said, I knew he felt bad considering I thought what he had done was a picnic. I loved it even more though.

"Ok" I smiled taking a seat. I ended up resting my head on Nialls'  chest. It was perfect.

"Piper?" Niall said a bit groggily after about 20 minutes..

"..Yeah Niall?" I asked.

"Are you hungry?" He asked.

"A bit, yea" I said. He stood up and rolled the blanket up and we began to roll up the blanket. There was a small bridge over a creek in the distance. It was lit up with candles and a table sat in the middle. How could he be so sweet.

"Do you like it" He smiled.

"I love it" I smiled

After dinner Niall decided to walk me home. It was a long walk, but I didn't mind, the shoes were toms and they were comfortable enough.

"Well, here you are, Casa Dela Kay " Niall smiled.

"Thank you Niall, I had a lovely time" I smiled. Niall and I were at my front door. He slowly leaned in for a kiss. Once our lips were about 3 centimeters apart My father opened the door.

"You were close enough my boy." My father smiled. For a second I began to turn around when I remembered Nialls birthday.

"Oh, Niall wait, happy birthday, I have something for you" I said handing him a red envelope saying X factor. "You can sing so well and I thought you'd like to try next year in August"

"Thank you SO much Piper, I love it. " He smiled. "Well, goodnight"

"Goodnight. Tomorrow I'll see you, right?" I asked.

"Tomorrow" He smiled. I smiled and ran up to my room.

"TELL. ME. EVERYTHING." Hunter smiled.


I hope you liked it. I worked hard on that one, with ideas for a date, I called people for ideas and everything..... My sister in law counts as a person, yeah?


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