13 ✮ The Confession

Start from the beginning

"Oh, wow. I feel very special." I simpered.

"Hey, you really should." He nudged my shoulders just as I let out a laugh.

"Well, begin." I said. He stopped and then looked up over at the huge moon glazing over the distance. He looked at me one last time and then smiled at the moon.

"I am in love with Opaline Sinclair." He grinned at his statement. My eyes widened.

"I am in love with the way she gets angry at her indecisive self and how her face lights up when her favorite song plays on the radio and how she cares more about other people than herself and how she's one of the few people that doesn't dare let her wealth define her. I-I am in love with her." He deeply sighed once everything was out and rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment.

I wanted to tell him that she was in love with him too, but then I stopped. I shouldn't be the one to tell him that. "Wow. You're in love with her?"

He nods his head and laughs. "That was amazing. I actually said it."

"But not to her?" I made a point.

"Yeah, but sometimes admitting it to yourself first, helps you reinstate your feelings."

I looked at him for a while, a little bit jealous that he was so confident in the way he felt about Opaline. "Are you going to tell her?"

He let out a long breath. "I will. Once the time is right."

"When is the time ever right?" I huffed in a whisper, unaware if Dereck even heard me amongst the crashing waves in front of us. I wanted to ask him something that had been bugging me since the moment I found out I had a crush on Will.

"W-What if you told her your feelings and she didn't feel the same way?" I asked. Even though I knew Opaline liked him back too, I couldn't help but ponder what he would do if she didn't like him back. He'd probably just give up on her, right?

"I don't care." He smiled happily. "At first, I was always so scared to be around her. So nervous to the point where I would only talk to her when we had homework in the same class just so I could ask her questions. But, I realized something. I really don't care if we do or don't work out in the end. I think that's what people get so worked about. They get so nervous telling the other person because they are too worried about what the other person might think. But for the first time in ever, I'm actually thinking about myself first because that's what loving her has allowed me to figure out. I'm going to tell her, no matter what she thinks or says, because it's a risk that I think is worth taking."

Wow. I stood there stunned at his little soliloquy-like speech and I couldn't stop my cheeks from reddening at his confession. It made me feel embarrassed and slightly special that he was telling me all this.

"So," He turned my way, coming back from his loving state of mind, "It's your turn."

I smiled at him and for some odd reason, I felt safe in telling him everything about the whole Will dilemma. Maybe it was because he opened up something so deep to me or maybe it was because I really needed someone to talk to, but I told him. Everything. I was like a broken machine, rambling off everything that was hidden in my chest until he looked puzzlingly at me.

"What?" I asked, midway into telling him everything that happened at the San Diego trip.

"You guys were faking it?"

"Yeah ..." I trailed on, but he just shook his head like he didn't believe it, "I can't believe it. We thought you guys were real. You guys ... seemed so real."

"Maybe, we're just so good at faking it?" I shrugged.

"B-But, today. Today when he put his shirt on you." He pointed at the shirt I had on. I almost forgot that I was still wearing Will's shirt until he brought it up.

I looked at him confused until he covered his mouth with his fist and laughed. "You know he gave you that shirt because he didn't want our friends to look at you. He was jealous."

Jealous? He said he gave it to me because I was cold.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, I highly concur."

He seemed taken aback and stopped us from walking further. "Well, believe anything you want, but I've known Will since we were in diapers. And I know when my best friend is jealous." He said. Oh dear, he must be joking. Will can't be jealous. He was in love with Charlotte...

I crashed down onto the beach floor and wrapped my legs closer to me. "This is so confusing." I let out a sigh. "This whole falling for your crush kind of thing."

"Well, how fun would it be if it were easy?" He sat beside me and crossed his legs on the floor.

I could hear laughter coming from the fire place that we were distant from. I knew it was time for us to go back, but there was still something else in the back of my head that I had to ask Derick. One last thing before we go back to our friends.

"Derick," He turned at the sound of his name, "Would ... Would Will ever propose to Charlotte? You know like marriage and all?" I knew I was jealous and that I, out of all people, didn't want to hear the true answer of it all. If Will bought that ring for Charlotte -I just, I don't know how I would feel anymore.

He looked at me for a while before he broke out into a loud laughter. He clutched onto his stomach and fell backwards into the sand. "Marriage," He panted, in between laughs, "Will."

"I'm serious." I furrowed my brows. "I-I saw an engagement ring in his bag."

He got up after laughing, patted me on the back, and wiped a tear from his eyes. "Oh, I'm going to tell Will you were peeking through his bag."

"N-No. I accidentally thought it was mine, okay!" I clarified.

"That's his mom." He didn't miss a beat. "His mom's name is Charlotte. He keeps it because that's the only thing he has left of his mother before she ran out on them."

Oh gosh. It was his mothers. Ugh, I can't believe I asked in the first place. I can't believe I thought he was actually going to propose to his ex-girlfriend.

"Oh, gosh, I'm an idiot." I slapped my hand to my face.

"No you're not," He got up and took my hand to help me up, "You were just jealous." He grins as I hit him on his shoulder.

"So, what will you do now?" He asked as we approached closer to the fireplace.

"I... I don't know."

"Really? Will's fake girlfriend trying to jealous his ex-girlfriend doesn't know what to do? You must tell me more."

I laughed at the long name he called me when someone put a hand on top of Derick and I's shoulder. I shuddered when I saw who it was.

"Yes, Gem girl, do tell more."

I gasped and quickly jumped away from his grip. Oh crap. How much did he hear?

"Scott. Don't-"Derick started, but Scott disregarded him and came closer to me. He looked me straight in the eyes.

"Gem Girl, I won't be holding back any longer."

A/N: Sorry this is kind of a short chapter, but fear not, there will be much more stuff ahead ;D Happy reading!

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