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"Who's going to stop me? You? Not once I'm done with you"

It glistens in the dark, the blade sharp and deadly.

"Something about you Daniel, that I've always hated you a little bit more than the rest. And you're a godfather now, looks like they'll have to give your place to someone else" Ryan smirks taking a step forward.

"Ryan you don't want to do this. Just go away, leave my family alone. Leave Cress alone, she's suffered so much already"

"Ah, little Crescent how's she holding up? It really made me sick the way Elliott and her loved each other. He really adored her, stupid boy. Love ruins you. I honestly thought she would kill herself to be with him. I'm a bit disappointed"

He was even closer now. One swift moment and it would be over.

I move fast to push him backward, as the blade clatters out his hands, as he struggles with me and we both end up on the floor.

"I see it in your eyes, Daniel. That hopelessness, maybe I would be doing you a favor"

"Fuck you" I swear to slam him into the floor.

I despised him for inheriting his dad's eyes. They were just like Elliott's, except colder no love in them.

I hold him by his shoulders against the floor as he knew he was beaten.

"Enough Ryan, no more bloodshed. I've had enough"

I see something glisten past me as Ryan aims the blade for me. I moved backward fast hitting my head off a wall. I hiss in pain, as my head spins.

Everything was moving around me so fast, the blade lay in front of me and Ryan looks at it too as we both reach for it.

It wasn't my intention for it to happen. I didn't want anyone to get hurt.

I get to it first and lift it first and somehow Ryan plunges into it.

Terror runs over Ryan's face.

I pull the blade out straight away as it clatters to the ground before me.

I stand they're stunned and drop down to my knees in shock. No this can't be happening again.

Ryan falls into my arms, as I look at him in alarm. No, this can't be happening. I didn't mean to kill him, not again.

Even though killing Aaron was what he deserved. It was still blood on my hands and I could never erase that thought from my head.

I murdered someone.

I couldn't deal with any more burden on my head.

"You loved Elliott didn't you?" Ryan chokes.

I look at him appalled not knowing what to say. I didn't know what to say because I didn't even know the answer myself.

"There was a time Dan, when I thought we could be friends, but you were so dedicated to Elliott. You hated me because he did"

I think about that a bit harder. No man I hated you cause you were a cunt.

"And maybe there was a time when I thought I had feelings for you"


I take him off my lap as I walk around the room running both my hands through my hair, thinking. So many things running through my head.


He couldn't possibly have liked me. He liked girls. He liked Aribella.

Something twisted inside me at the thought of my half-sister.

If I went to jail for this, they'd never let me see Cress of River.

I punch the wall. I fuck up everything. I was such a waste. But Elliott made me a better person.

I'd be better of dead, I was useless to my dad, I was useless to Cress. I'd fucked things up with Winter, and she's moved to Austria anyway. The one person I cared about was gone

I look at my blood stained hands and know it's over for me, I give up.


"Have you reached a verdict"

"We have your honor. In the case of the Daniel Dawson, we the jury find the defendant..."

I look up at Crescent as she sat tightly clutching on to River. Alec had his arms around her, holding her so she wouldn't fall apart.

She looks me dead in the eyes, her eyes rimmed red.

"...Guilty of murder in the first degree"

That was it. It was all over.

It was one word over another. No other proof and I lost because the law is wrong in many ways and this is one of them.

I see her screaming and crying as she rushes forward but everyone holds her back. Emily was clinging on to the baby for her.

"Daniel, don't leave, please" Crescent begs.

"I'm sorry Cress" I mouth in her direction as they take me away.

She rushes forward, hugging me one last time, as one of the men force her away from me.

Maybe I do regret killing Ryan maybe I don't. Maybe I could have been more careful that night. Maybe I wanted Ryan to die, no one will ever know.

What I do know is I know now that maybe, just maybe I have repaid Elliott for saying my sister instead of me saving Cress. And maybe finally I owed Cress this much. Her and River's safety. More than anything I pushed Elliott into the gang. I also never stood up for Cress in school. I owe her this much, I would only cause more havoc in her life.

River no longer has a threat against him, Elliott's child was safe. 

It was like we were little kids again as she clung on to me like a child.

I was being torn away from my twin. Her brown eyes telling me not to go.

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