9. texting jared

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Jklein: so dude ev man

Jklein: how's your boyfriend?

Evan: I am not his boyfriend!

Evan: and he's not mine!

Evan: we don't really talk in school anyways it's mostly over text so if we did have a relationship wouldn't that be unrealistic?

Jklein: there's nothing unrealistic about a man's love for another man!

Evan: yes but I'm not gay so it is unrealistic in our scenario.

Jklein: yeah but he's probably gay

Jklein: and I know you ev

Jklein: you are not straight.

Evan: yes I am!

Evan: I liked zoe for such a long time that's liking a girl so I'm straight

Evan: I've never mentioned or implied to you that I ever liked a boy before so you can't assume I'm not straight

Jklein: you're gayer than me dude

Jklein: that's saying something

Evan: you're gay?

Jklein: I mostly act like I am

Jklein: in not completely gay

Jklein: *im I hate myself

Evan: oh that's pretty cool

Evan: I barely know about sexuality though

Jklein: so you could be gay is that what you're saying

Evan: I'm not gay

Jklein: but if you were would you be dating Connor?

Evan: but I'm not gay!

Jklein: if you were gay id support you anyway so if you are you can go ahead and tell me

Evan: I'm not though!

Evan: lets not talk about sexuality!

Jklein: okay

Jklein: lets talk about Connor

Jklein: how's your boyfriend?

Evan: I'm ignoring you.

Jklein: how can you if you replied? >:P

Evan: ignoring

Jklein: >:(((((((((


Sorry I added this last minute in the middle of the book but I'm updating so that's fun!! Anyway read the previous chapter to know where we are!!

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