11. bloody knuckles

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Finally another weekend. Evan yawned and opened his eyes slowly, letting them adjust to the golden sunlight pouring in from between the blinds. God, it was so warm and nice. He barely remembered the night before, because usually, he doesn't get that emotional, and his drastic emotion wonks up his memory.

He sunk more into the warm arms around him, pressing his back further into the body of whoever was cuddling him, one arm beneath him at his neck and chest and one arm draped over his waist. It was calming. He didn't want to get up. He didn't mind the hot breath against his neck, the hair tickling the back of his head and his shoulders. He didn't mind the tangled mess of both of their legs wrapped together right.

"Mornin'," Evan groaned as he stretched his back, arching it forwards then relaxing back against Connor again.

"Morning, Hansen," Connor replied, sounding fully awake, but relaxed. "Your mom came in earlier, Heidi, yeah she smiles a lot."

Evan nodded sleepily, not connecting that his mom just saw Evan, who had just texted late at night that Connor was sleeping over, getting spooned in bed by Connor, while dressed in matching pajamas.

Evan was too tired to actually realize that happened, but ignorance is bliss. He didn't want his mom thinking he was gay, it was just a comfortable sleeping position. He liked girls.

A phone ringing sent both boys out of their daze and back into reality, Connor suddenly remembering what had happened at his house and Evan slowly was thinking more and more.

"I gotta take this, it's Zoe," Connor groaned unhappily, rolling out of the bed, hitting answer.

Evan listened and he did feel bad for it, but he wanted to know if Connor was okay to go home or not. He did enjoy the night with Connor.

"What do you want?" Connor sighed into the phone, already pacing around the room.


"Then why didn't our father call me personally?" Connor cringed in anger. His pacing slowed to a stop, eyes widening.

A longer pause.

"What about Mom?"


"He won't yell when we have guests over," Connor sighed.


"I'll go talk to him," Connor said. "Don't get him involved."


"But what if he does?"


"No, Zoe," Connor sneered. "I'll be there in a bit. Bye."

Connor hung up and took a deep breath. "I gotta go," he hesitated. "If I don't text you by 11 this morning, assume the worst."

Before Evan could respond, Connor took his jeans and left, probably to go change in the bathroom.

Connor raced out the door, quickly saying goodbye to Heidi, who introduced herself when Evan was still asleep. He said his thanks and his quick 'hope I can see you again soon, you're an angel for letting me stay!'

His smile faded once he closed the door. His house wasn't far away, so he walked. Once he got there, he realized he still had Evan's passenger shirt on. And he forgot to change his bandages. But at least he remembered his sweatshirt and to put on jeans to he can pretend he never had cat pants on.

He rushed to the door, opening it quickly to see everyone at the breakfast table. He flatlined his expression and faced them, his father's fork dropping to his plate, his face gravely monotoned.

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