
This one was when I was going through a rough phase. When I had no one. A month after I arrived in Paris. The pain of losing mama was still fresh and having no one to cry to had a great effect on me.

But I was slowly starting to heal. I hoped that being back at home was the only way to completely heal, but I guess I was wrong about that.

Being back home felt good yeah. But it came with a great price. I had to deal with the eyes of a guy I just met yesterday, with my baby sister who has a hole in her heart and with a distant father who didn't give a damn about us.

I didn't expect being back home to feel this way. It came with a lot of baggage. Just a day and everything wasn't going as expected. What about in a week? In a month? In a year?

I sighed as I closed the book not feeling the need to write again.

It was yet another sunny day. I felt the hot breeze of summer around me as I made my way to my boutique to check on the progress. Amir was beside me, headphones in his ear bobbing to the sound of whatever he was listening.

The place was a walking distance from our home so I said, why not excercise a bit.

We walked in comfortable silence,Amir lost in whatever he was listening to and me lost in my thoughts. I've been getting so lost in my thoughts lately.

It's been almost a week since I got back home. I was bored most of the time with nothing to do. I usually facetimed with Louis everyday but I find myself always trying to shorten our conversation. I think he sensed my change in attitude and he called me out on it.

"Is everything alright Yas?" He had asked yesterday while we were on phone. He tried video call first but I didn't answer. I just didn't feel like grabbing a scarf.

I nodded absentmindedly and realized he couldn't even see me.

"Yeah." I said.

"I just noticed that you've been distant torwards me lately. Have I offended you in any way? If I have please I'm sorry...I didn't mean to." He had said his voice heartbroken.

Oh Louis..I felt bad at that moment. I wasn't being fair to Louis I know that but I'm at crossroads. Confused about what I really wanted.

"Oh no baby you did nothing wrong. We're absolutely fine. It's just the situation at home that's really bothering me." That technically wasn't a lie. So what if I omitted one tiny bit of fact.

He sighed obviously relieved. "How are things with your dad and how's your little sister's health?"

I felt a light headache as he asked about the things that kept me awake at night.

"Same old." I had replied.

"It's gonna be fine. I promise. Don't think too much about it okay?" He had said.


"I love you mi amour and although I don't know what's in store for us,I'm certain that I can't live without you. My Nigerian princess,you own my heart baby girl. My heart is your home. I hope things work out in our favour."

I was quiet for a while. No words were able to be formed. His words had no effect on me. I didn't feel that tingle inside of me. The one I felt when I heard Yazeed's voice for the first time.

Funny how he hasn't left my thoughts. Even funny that I'm thinking about him when my boyfriend just confessed his undying love for me.

"You there Yas?" His voice bringing me back to reality.

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