Information on Characters and Other Things.

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First off all I'm so sorry if you clicked on this expecting it to be an update to the story. It's not and I'm really sorry.

I hope you still read this though.

I wanted to clear up some of the questions I have been getting. They are good questions and I feel like a lot of you have them. So I figured this would be a good way to answer them.

Character List:

Megan Harrison (Nickname: Meg or Megs): 19 years old. Main character of the story.

Zachary Harrison (Nickname: Zach): 21 years old. Megan's older brother.

Stacy Kandaras (No specified nickname): 19 years old. Megan's best friend.

Lucas Giordano (Nickname: Luca): 21 years old. Zach's best friend.

Ryan Frosten: Megan and Stacy's friend. Megan's love interest at one point.

Natalie Harrison (Nickname: Nat): Zachary and Megan's mother.

Alexander Harrison (Nickname: Alex) : Zachery and Megan's father.

Adena: Zachery and Megan's Grandmother.

Morgan: Zachery and Megan's Grandfather.

Alex (Sorry there are two Alexs in this story): Megan's friend. She used to have a crush on him in high school but got over that.

Natalie (Natty): Megan and Stacy's high school friend.

Jessica: Lucas' lady interest in the beginning.

(I think those are all the important character you need to be aware of.)

Story Questions:

Why is Luca spending his break with the Harrisons?

Luca's parents are in Italy visiting his sister Vicky. He couldn't go with them because he had to work on a project for school so he had to remain in the United States. Since he is so close to the Harrison's, Nat invites him to spend the break with them. So that he wouldn't have to be by himself in his house.

Why can't Megan just tell Luca how she feels towards him?

Megan's character is based on her being timid and shy. She isn't the type of person who is open with her feelings and that's the point of the whole story. If she had just told him about her feelings for him, this story would have been over after the first chapter.

Ah! It's so frustrating to wait for them to get together! Why is Luca taking so long and why can't they just admit their feelings for each other already?

I am sorry you are frustrated! But from an author's point of view, there wouldn't really be much of a story if I just got them together already. If they just admitted their feelings the story would be done.

I love your book but why do you take so long to upload?!

First of all, thank you so much for liking my story it means so much to me! Second I am sorry that I take so long but as I have said before I am a full time college student, I work part time, I volunteer at a local hospital and I am involved in organizations on campus. Writing is something I do for fun in my spare time. I wish I could write all the time, but I unfortunately can't do that. :(

School comes first for me and it always will. I hope you can understand that. Also it takes some time to write up these chapters. I don't want to just write something in ten minutes and post it because you won't like it and I won't like it.

If I ever take longer than two weeks without uploading anything then feel free to pester me about it.

Is your real name Mandy? And where do you live?

Mandy is my pen name. I am very much a closet writer. Not even my best friends know about my writing. I am a little insecure about letting them know.

I live in the United States. (Sorry that is all I can give on location.)

What is the best way to contact you if I have any questions or specific comments that I want you to see?

If you have any questions the best way to contact me is either through a personal message or by posting on my profile page.

I read every single comment that gets posted on my stories. I unfortunately cannot reply to each comment but I promise that I read each one. So if you want me to just see something then you can leave a comment. However if you want a reply then please send me a personal message, or indicate in your comment that you would like a reply.

(Please realize that I can't reply to every single one of you even though I would really like to. So please only ask me to reply if you really want me to.)

I hope this clears up some things for everyone! Again I'm sorry that this is not a real post.

As promised the new upload will be tomorrow. In the mean time check out my new story "Before the Darkest Storm."

Hope you all have an amazing day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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