Chapter 30

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Hi Guys, originally I had planned on only having two more long chapters, but I decided to do five shorter ones. I don't want to stretch it out beyond its life, but I think five short chapters will do this story justice.

Not Edited.


Chapter 30

"Do you want to watch a movie?" Luca asked Megan as he helped her clean up the dishes. She had been wearing a blush all through dinner, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of arrogance in knowing that he put it there. He hadn't planned on tonight being the night. He would be lying if he said he hadn't thought about it, and often, but he respected Megan too much to ever push her.

What he had felt in Megan's room tonight, was raw, powerful and somewhat unexplainable. He didn't understand how being with her so be so different than being with other girls. Yes, he knew that he cared about her, and yes he knew that he was her first - a fact that filled him with unbearable joy - but surely there was more reason for this potent feeling. People had always talked about how sex was more powerful when feelings were involved, but he had always brushed them off, saying that it couldn't possibly get any better than it already was. Now he knew that he was wrong. The pleasure he felt was so unique that he in a sense being tonight with Megan was his first time too.

He watched her smile at him and felt that ache in his heart again. He couldn't explain that. Shouldn't his heart be feeling whole and fluttery at a time like this?

"I would love to." Megan told him dropping the last dish into the washer. Luca stepped towards her and wrapped his arms across her waist.

"Are you okay?" He asked her gently. He knew that the first time for girl's was usually very painful, and often left them sore for a few days.

Megan's head nodded at him. "I'm okay Luca. Really, stop asking me." This was the sixth time Luca had asked her and she didn't want him to be worried about her. "In fact I am better than okay." She said and leaned up to kiss him.

Luca smiled into her kiss and picked her up as if she was weighed nothing. He walked the both of them over to the couch and sat down, tucking her right beside him. Luca knew Megan didn't like sharing her blanket so he cover her with her own before pulling a different one over him, but to his surprise she gently pulled her blanket off and tugged his over her.

"I thought you didn't like to share." He told her leaning over to kiss the top of her head as he reached for the remote.

Megan's face heated up a little. "I like sharing with you." She told him in a quiet voice.

Luca smiled down at her and kissed her once again. "And I like sharing with you." He told her. He pulled her even closer to him on the couch until her head rested on his shoulder and one of her legs was curled up on his thigh.

Luca choose a Pixar movie for them to watch and sunk in deeper into the couch. With his arm around her, and her head on his shoulder Megan felt completely content.

When the movie finished Luca carried her to bed and kicked off his jeans before sliding in next to her. He simply held her in his hands as they both fell asleep after talking for hours.

The next afternoon Stacy came home full of stories from her field trip. Luca had left early in the morning the next day because he had a tutoring session with some high school students.

"And then we had to do it all over again because one girl did it wrong the first time!" Stacy cried sinking into a plush chair.

"I'm sorry, Stacy. That sounds awful." Megan told her best friend sympathetically.

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