Random Update Thingamabob

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Hey guys! I know I'm terrible at keeping up this book in the summer, but these past few weeks I've had other things that came up.

For starters, my best friend Rachel (aka Mama Jinxx) just got married and I was one of her bridesmaids. It was such an honor to be included in one of the happiest days of her life! Not only that, but I also got to walk down that aisle with my boo! He was one of the groomsmen.

I've also started a new job. Sure, it's just flipping burgers at the local Macdons, but it's better than nothing. It's income and it shuts up my mom.

And on top of that, I'm in summer school. It's actually not as bad as it sounds. Although I have to redo the research paper, and I have NO IDEA what I'm gonna do for this one.

Just thought I'd put this up quick, to avoid anybody asking if I'm dead.

Band camp is a week away! So excited!!!!

Welp, bye lovelies!

Rants, Fangirling, And Things I Only Tell My BFFSحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن