So I'm Pretty Much The Over-Emotional One In The Squad...

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I get to school, and drop off my shit in the algebra classroom like I always do. Not even thirty seconds after I get out of that hallway my friend Jasmine tells me some shit about how "Claudia didn't cheat on me". I never said she did. And now she's shit-talking behind my back? I'm so done with her. 

English rolls around after what feels like forever talking about The War Of 1812 the period before. We finished watching one of the many film adaptations of Romeo And Juliet, and I was crying a little bit. CC just laughed at me. 

In study hall, I started drawing Game Freak for Maddy (the friend who got me hooked on Ghost Town). It kind of looks like shit right now, but I'm not using any sort of tutorial or guidelines.

Science kind of sucked as well. Izzy left, so the seat next to LeeAnn was open, and of course I'm gonna want to sit next to my girlfriend. But no - CC decides to be a cockblock about it and keeps himself between the two of us. I used the tone of voice that a defeated person uses to ask if I could just sit there. And what does he do? Pushes the chair in front of me, like he's the fucking Berlin Wall. I wanted to shout at him that he was missing the basic point, but I walked away. 

I'm just gonna say this now: CC is literally the only one against LeeAnn and me together. Just because he has this thing about not getting back with exes. He's soooo fucking immature. I mean, I fell in love with her for a reason, right? I almost cried then and there.

Band. We had to do marching. Out on the street. 65 degrees, and I was wearing black leggings, a black tank top, and a black and dark blue sweater. With a stupid marching band hat on. I tied the sweater around my waist, but I was still roasting. 

School lets out, so I kissed my girlfriend goodbye, and her hair got caught on my glasses. Shania and I hung out until quarter after four, mainly just playing the piano out in the commons. Well, she played - I just listened, daring her to play something to make me cry. 

So yeah, the demons are catching up again. Whatever. It'll pass, I hope.


Rants, Fangirling, And Things I Only Tell My BFFSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon