Singin' The Skate Rat Blues

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Hey dudes.

Today was my girlfriend's birthday, so I planned to take her out for coffee after school. Apparently her grandma texted her saying she could only stay in town until four. Needless to say, she blew me off to get in some hardcore skating. I was kinda hurt by this, but whatever - skate rats are like that, right? 

At least I got a kiss goodbye for the weekend, since I'm skipping school tomorrow to go to my mom's doctor's appointment. Hopefully I can find Death Of A Bachelor while I'm out! And maybe, just maybe, mom might let me get some hair dye. I was thinking either purple or red - what do you lovelies think? 

Oh! One thing I forgot to mention! Now in English class we're writing short stories. Of course the first thing to pop into my head was a Calzona fanfic, so as soon as that's done, I'll put that up on here as a separate story! I have no idea what it'll be called, but it's gonna be where Callie and Arizona are fighting on different sides of the battle in the Alamo. Yes, we're going over the conflicts between Mexico and the early U.S. in history at the moment, so that's where I got the inspiration. 

Well, I'm exhausted right now, so I'm gonna go take a nap. Bye all you lovely people - stay beautiful! 

 Bye all you lovely people - stay beautiful! 

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