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I was again tagged by TheOracle23 in something. The funny thing is, I can't stand it when people say "[insert thing here] was/is lit!" 


1) Title must be "Lit"

2) You can't refuse

3) Must be done within a week, or you have to post yourself singing

4) Tag 15 people

5) No replying in the comments

6) Create 13 facts about yourself

I've already done several of these so... [Hey Amy, wanna give it a go? *Amelia* Sure!]

1 - My full name is Amelia Annabelle Jasper.

2 - Only Em, Pipeline, and Reeses are allowed to call me "Amy".

3 - My mom is a cat.

4 - My dad was a wolf.

5 - Dad taught me how to speak Dutch Angel Dragon.

6 - Because of #5, I am Reeses' translator.

7 - I have a half sister (from my mom) named Jane. She's a pink-point Siamese. Hurt her, and I will murder you with my bare paws.

8 - Every now and then, I like to paint my claws. Black with neon pink stripes is my fave combo.

9 - I don't really have a specific time of year when I "come into heat". If you get me in the mood, I'm good to go. Fair warning, it kinda takes a lot. 

10 - Pipeline was the one to introduce me to the Punk Goes Pop covers. I absolutely LOVE the one that I Prevail did for Blank Space! 

11 - I like to draw. A lot. Probably too much ^w^ 

12 - Sometimes I cuddle my tail when I sleep...

And finally

13 - I was around 14 when I got my industrial piercing. It was one of the happiest moments of my life; I finally had a way of expressing some individuality!

I don't really know people on here, since they're more Em's crowd than mine, so I'm not gonna tag people. Rule #4 is officially broken. Do I care? Nope.

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