A Ruby/Sapphire Fanfic (Since It's Too Short To Be Its Own Story)

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Author's note: I was pissed off in my algebra class. To retaliate, I wrote this instead of taking notes. Hope you like it! 

Sapphire led Ruby through the woods, her future vision reminding her where she had everything set up. It was 1,000 years ago when they first formed Garnet. She wanted to do something special for their anniversary. 

"Sapphy," Ruby growled, "when can I take off this stupid blindfold?" 

She laughed. "Take it easy, Fireball! We're almost there." They walked into a cave with ivy tendrils draped over the walls like curtains. A large, black, fuzzy blanket was laid out in the middle of the floor. A small, rectangular box with a pretty bow sat on top of it. Sapphire took off Ruby's blindfold, re-tying it over the headband she wore. 

Ruby took a second to let her eyes adjust to the light. When they did, she was taken aback in awe. "Saph- is this... the cave?" she whispered. "Where we first talked about fusion?" 

Sapphire smiled. "I knew you would recognize this place."

"It's more beautiful than I remember." She took the blue gem's hand. "Although... nothing can compare to you. My princess," she cooed, kissing the hand she held.

"My knight," Sapphire chuckled, stroking her lover's face with the back of her free hand. Smoke started to rise from the floor, causing them to unhook their hands. A blush covered both of their faces. 

"S-so... what's in the box?" Ruby whispered.

"I thought you'd never ask! Come on." They sat down on the blanket. She handed the parcel to her lover with a "happy anniversary!" Inside were a dozen chocolate covered strawberries and a single dark red rose. 

Ruby was extremely close to shedding tears of joy. She brushed the hair out of the slightly taller gem's face, leaning up to kiss her forehead. Wrapping her arms around Sapphire's waist, she leaned back, causing them to stare at the ceiling. After a while of just cuddling, a soft, low voice broke the silence. 

"So, do you wanna eat?" Sapphire asked.

"Yeah,... but not the berries," Ruby responded.

"What! Why not? What else would you like, then?"

"You," Ruby purred seductively, sliding her hand to Sapphire's thigh.

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