Fiery Frikkin Friday

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The weather reached 90 degrees today! I actually wore shorts, for once. 

I almost puked in English. Every Friday is "free read", and the library has some Stephen King books. I picked a collection of three shorter stories called All Dark, No Stars. The first one is a letter of confession that a man wrote admitting to killing his wife. He was describing what the body looked like after a couple of weeks, and how the rats in the well... decided to nest... in her corpse. 

Relating back to the weather, we went outside for gym class. And I had to march with the band out in the streets. Luckily there was a bit of a breeze to cool us off. Unfortunately I had a giant hole in my left sock (because I'm too stubborn to get new ones, due to rather spending my clothing budget on band merch and jeans) so now there's a blister on the bottom of my foot. 

I met up with Maddy and LeeAnn after school let out for the weekend. We walked to the park a block away from my place, meeting up with the sister of the later one. I was a sweaty mess, so I went home, changed into a tank top, and started on my way back to the park. Only to meet them on the street in a car on their way out of town. So I ran - literally ran - back home to ask if I could ride with them. 5 o'clock was my curfew. And it literally just turned four as mom said it. I could sense some tension between LeeAnn and Malissa, so after I got back home I asked about it. 

She broke up with me, ... again. Her reasons were pretty much the same as before, having too much on her plate to properly contribute to a relationship. That, and she's moving to Arizona, so we wouldn't get to see each other after summer break. It's kind of bittersweet when I look at it. I mean, yes breakups are hard for everyone, but I can still give her hugs! 

I find it oddly fascinating how much can happen in the course of a couple of months. In October, I thought I wouldn't have a girlfriend until I was 25 or so. It's now the beginning of May, and I have two ex-girlfriends. 


On a brighter note, my little sister's school dance is tonight, and she let me help her with the hair and makeup! She wore her fancy dress and a pair of flats. All I can say is that she looked beautiful.:

So now I'm just chillin', listening to some calming music, enjoying the evening breeze entering my window

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So now I'm just chillin', listening to some calming music, enjoying the evening breeze entering my window. 

Bye all you lovelies! Have a great weekend!

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