Love Is In The Air...

17 1 4

Hey guys! How've ya been?

I was in my Chemistry class yesterday when Maddy saw that I was drawing in my notebook. (Don't ask me to explain what we were supposed to be doing... I don't understand a single bit of it.) Out of the blue she says this:

"Hey, LeeAnn wants you to draw her one of those."

"S-she does?!?"

"Yeah. She saw the pony you gave me and thought it was really cute."

I was flattered, don't get me wrong -- I mean, what artist wouldn't be -- but this is my ex we're talking about. I haven't talked to her since... since she called it off. And now she wants a drawing? 

I've decided to accept the request. I'm gonna make her a nice, cutesey picture, write her a letter, and give it to her for Valentine's Day. Hopefully she likes it! I've heard she hasn't been doing so well, so maybe it'll cheer her up.

That makes three pieces I have to do now. I still owe Pipsqueak an alicorn with the Aquarius symbol as her cutie mark playing the saxophone. 

And I have to do something for my boyfriend's birthday present. Next Saturday I get to go to his place to celebrate! Siearra and Justin (aka Andy-child and Paul) will be there, too! For some odd reason I'm supposed to bring Pipsqueak as well? Don't know why. 

Anyway, It's gonna be fun. Just the squad-fam, hanging out, being silly- . . . 

OH SHIT I JUST REALIZED SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!! She's gonna wind up feeling like the fifth wheel or something, and start whining if things get too lovey. . . . Shit.

Now, if you'll kindly excuse me, I'm going to curl up in the corner with a heating pad and try to ward off death. . . I hate cramps. :(

Rants, Fangirling, And Things I Only Tell My BFFSTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang