=^w^= Sweet 16

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Today's the day! The sun is shining, the tank is clean, and we are getting out of- *gasp* The tank is clean. THE TANK IS CLEEEEEEEAAAAAAAANNNN!!!!!!!     - Peach

Okay, so I'm not planning a grand escape, but it is a momentous occasion. I mean, you only turn sixteen once! I'm now the legal age of consent in Minnesota ;) 

  [*Amelia* Oh, wow, like EVERYONE needed to know that little fact. *Reeses* Chirrup chirp squeak! (Translation: Hey, she's happy, leave her be!)]

Today is going to be fun, I can tell. Most people stop wearing pigtails after 6 years old, but I thought it would be cute. Besides, my boo likes it, so why not?

Anyway, I hope all you lovelies have a marvelous, wondrous day! Take care! *hugs all around*  

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