Planning Ahead

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Hey guys! I have some exciting news. I'm going to England and Ireland!

Last night, Mom and I were watching War Horse (which is set in England during WWII). Out of the blue I said something to her.

"Let's go to England."

She just replied, "Sure. When?"

I thought about it for a while. "After I turn 27."

"Okay! Let's do it!"

So now I have 11 years to save up for it. At first I was just joking, but now Mom's dead serious about going. And for a good reason, too.

She's not going to be in good health forever. And who knows how long she has before she goes blind?.. I'm just hoping 11 years won't be too late.

But anyway, I'm excited! It'll be a family trip with Mom, Pipsqueak, and my Auntie Julie.

Speaking of family, I have some coming up for Pipsqueak's confirmation. If the cloudy weather clears out by suppertime we'll be having a bonfire cookout. I can't wait to see how much my little 2nd cousins have grown! Maddie is so cute, and a feisty little redhead. ^w^

Well, this weekend is going to be busy, so I have to go. Bye lovelies!

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