Stomach Turned In Knots

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Hello again lovelies! I have another question for you guys. 

How do you conduct an interview? I have to do one for the research paper... and I'm kinda nervous. Okay, scratch that - REALLY nervous. I know it was his idea, but still, the butterflies seem to have a makeshift racecourse in my tummy. 

Alright, enough with the negatives. Time for some positives.

I have managed to get my Chemistry grade from an F to a C!

  [*Amelia* Right... says the one with 6% in math XD *Pipeline* Shut up Amy! *Amelia* Oh yeah? Make me!] 

  Girls, knock it off!

Not only that, but my birthday is on Wednesday! So since it's an early-out day, Marco and I are gonna hang out. In a secluded spot. With a blanket *wink*. I'm super-super-suuuper excited!!!

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