Initiation Into The Squad

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Hello lovelies! I'm really sorry about not putting up any actual updates in forever. As a side note, the picture above is not mine, but it kind of sets the tone. Plus it's really cool! For some of the names in this entry, you might want to reference the introduction to this book/diary/whatever this is.

So I had one of the most awesome days I can remember! And I feel like it needs to be documented somewhere.

It started like any other day. I got ready for the day with Set The World On Fire, but as soon as I met up with my friend Sam it took a turn for the better. She put temporary red highlights in my hair! After that I didn't see her for the rest of the day, which was odd but not too worrying. We had a "guest speaker" for third period - more like commentary on a few videos of Mike Rowe speaking to the Boy Scouts. It would have been completely fatal had it not been for the squad. Who, I may add, sat where I was. 

Fast forward to fifth period. All we had to do today was show up for attendance and we were free to do whatever we wanted, as long as we stayed on school grounds. I didn't know what to do, so I just followed CC to the Emo Corner. Jinxx, Ashley, and Andy met up with us. 

Oh! I just realized I forgot to tell you guys something a couple months ago... Andy came back!!! We now have the full group together!!

As soon as Andy saw us, she ran up to where we were standing. CC opened his arms, thinking she was going for him. But she pushed him aside, proceeding to give me a hug! I was so stunned; I mean, all we had ever said to each other was the occasional "I like your shirt" in the hallway. Then again, I was wearing a Black Veil Brides shirt, and she loves them just as much as I do. We went to a doorway that had a lot of natural light coming in, because Jinxx wanted Ashley to do her makeup. Our other friends A.J. and Alyssa showed up, and that's where the fun started. A.J. brought his really cool disco ball speaker to school and was playing music from it. 

We went to the other end of the building, where the choir and band rooms are. They decided to hold a meeting for the band they're starting. They asked if I wanted to be manager or groupie, since the only instrument I play is the flute, and I chose groupie since I'm not really good at managing things. We alternated between joking and business, but things were starting to feel... different. Yes, the lyrics Jinxx wrote were emotional, but that wasn't it. The fact that they actually asked me if I wanted to be a part of the band, that they were including me in something, making me feel happiness in the purest sense of the word; I could feel tears starting to form in my eyes and a whimper in my throat. I got up from where I was sitting to go stand in the corner next to the door, so that no one could see me cry. I tried as hard as I could to keep the voice in my throat to below a whisper, but I could hear everyone else grow silent. Ashley came up behind me, calling my name as if to ask what's wrong. I told her that I didn't even know where the tears were coming from. She gave me a hug, causing the rest of the group to join in. The band meeting kind of fizzled out.

We proceeded to go to the hallway where the locked up bathrooms are. We got the lights to work on the speaker, causing an impromptu dance party. Trenton, Aaron, and Kyler showed up, making it more awesome. A couple of teachers swung by, but they didn't even tell us to shut it down! #squadgoals! School let out, so A.J. and the three that showed up for the random party had to leave, leaving us six. 

After Alyssa let me use her phone to call my mom, we went uptown to some of the shops on Main Street. At around five-ish we went back to the school, because they had rides set up for six o'clock. Alyssa had to leave for home when we got back. 

We were just chilling out in the open space the school uses for the lunchroom. CC was lying on the floor in front of some lockers. Andy said that we should have a girls' night, just us four. I asked if she was serious about the "four" part. She smiled and stated that I was invited, too. We didn't set any specific date, but I look forward to it. I checked the clock on the wall, seeing 5:45 as the time. 

My flute player friend Shania gave me a ride home. 


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