With Stained Glass Eyes And Colorful Tears

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Author's note: I know I already have a Rose/Pearl fic going, but this idea doesn't really fit into that storyline. Plus, it's told from a completely different perspective. And yes, in case you were wondering, this is also the title of a Pierce The Veil song. 

I had gotten used to the constant rocking motion inside my gem. My Steven was growing up so fast, it seems like only yesterday that I brought him into the world. I know it was hard on my companions, but giving up my physical form was hardest on Pearl. My sweet Pearl, she had been by my side since the start of the rebellion. She was so confused and scared about a fact that she couldn't hide from me: she loved me. I saw it in her eyes. The way she instantly relaxed when we started to form Rainbow Quartz, how she always looked hurt and disgusted whenever I showed the slightest bit of affection towards Greg, all of it. The truth of it was, I had grown quite fond of her, too. But gems can live forever if they're careful. Humans, on the other hand, live for just a fraction of a moment in gem time. After Greg had "passed on" as humans like to call it, I would have Pearl to fall back on. Or so I thought.

Everything was still. Not unusual, but for some reason it made me activate my newfound ability - seeing the world through Steven's perspective. What I saw shocked me:

A hologram fizzled from her hands. Wait; were they at- *gasps* the Strawberry Battlefields! The spot the hologram was in ... it all came flooding back. But, why was he here? 

Everything I ever did, I did for her. Now she's gone, but I'm still here. Sometimes, I wonder if she can see me through you eyes. What would she think of me now? 

The temperature inside my gem got slightly warmer, as I had observed it did this whenever he hugged someone. Well, I think you're pretty great. Oh my stars! I couldn't contain my tears. I was so proud that he had done that, comforting her, giving her reassurance. 


What did I think of her now? She's stronger now, she's voicing her opinions instead of waiting for mine. She's fighting for herself. She's everything I knew she could be. 

*chuckles* My Pearl. I may not be roaming the earth on my own two feet, but the gems will never be alone. I can promise that. 

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