13 Facts Tag!

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Yay! It seems like ages since one of you lovelies tagged me in something! This time it was _Kellic-is-love_. Thanks, dude! Let's get on with it.

1) I own, and wear, two collars. A black one with larger spikes that snaps in the back, and a pink-ish one with a mix of smaller spikes/studs and an actual buckle. I alternate which days I wear which one. The pink one was originally my girlfriend's. 

2) I own a fairly good amount of band tees. Five MCR, four Green Day, three BVB, two PTV, one P!ATD, one Nirvana, and one Beatles. 

3) I still have almost every single Pokémon card I've ever collected since the first grade. What pisses me off is that one time, my little cousin stole my Sammurott. That motherfucker had around 120 HP! And I still haven't gotten it back! UUUUUGGGGGHHHH!!!!

4) It really upsets me when somebody uses the phrases "faggot", "queer"(as an insult), "that's so gay", and "dyke"(other than a small water-retaining system). This one popular bitch called me the last one the first semester of this year, and it was all I could do not to go ape-shit. This is 2016 people! Come on!

5) As of right now, I'm still a virgin. Even though Claudia and I both want to. ;)

6) I can't bring myself to watch straight porn or read straight smut anymore. It bores me.

7) Speaking of smut, the first time I read a story like that was in the seventh grade. At my church's confirmation class. I was peeking over HunterOfTheUnknown's shoulder. Needless to say, I got very "excited". 

8) As far as I know, my grandparents (or any other family members I haven't come out to, for that matter) don't know I'm gay. And I'd like to keep it that way. Sad to say. 

9) When I was 10-11 years old, I went through this phase (that kind of boosted my emo-ness) of being obsessed with Stephen King's stories. It first started one October night. Mom let me stay up late - it was a Friday - to watch Pet Sematary. The first words I said; well, shouted would be the right word, were "that was awesome!!!" I brought my copy of Christine to free-read one time, and my teacher gave me the most disapproving glare. Then again, it was in the fifth grade. 

10) My radio was a Christmas present from my dad. The last time I ever saw him was on that night, six or seven years ago. 

11) I'm still good friends with my ex. Special shoutout to BrInG_mE_sKiTtLeS__

12) Andy Biersack, Ashley Purdy, and Gerard Way are the only men I think are attractive. 

13) I hate wearing dresses, but I want to cosplay as Sapphire for Halloween this year, if my bae is willing to go as Ruby. Let me put up a reference photo, so you guys can understand the struggle:

 Let me put up a reference photo, so you guys can understand the struggle:

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So I guess this is the part where I tag people. Hmm, let's see...






 Well, that's pretty much it. Can't wait to see what you lovelies have to say! This was pretty fun!

BYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  *passes out from lack of air*

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