Hey Ferb! I Know What We're Gonna Do Today!

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First off, if you know where this line is from, you had an awesome childhood! *high fives* 

Anyways I'm going to sleep good tonight! It was a full day. First off, Jaynie went to an indoor trampoline park for her best friend's boyfriend's birthday party, the lucky dog! So mom and I had the house to ourselves. Around noon we walked to McDonalds for lunch. It was gorgeous out! I wore a pair of tank tops, a pair of jeans, and my beanie hat without giving a single shiver! While we were eating, she said that as long as it was on a weekend, and as long as her dad went with us, I could go with my girlfriend to the Andy Black concert in the cities! 

So we got back home and I immediately double checked the date, just to make sure. "Saturday, June 11" it said. I made a mental note to remind LeeAnn. I put up the song chapter (and tagged some people). Half an hour later, I called my friend Miles's mom to see about openings for a housekeeping gig. I got put on the "on call" list. 

I got the itch for something to do, so since it was only a little after three in the afternoon I went to the general store for some pushpins. On the way home, I swung by the farm equipment store to see what they had for dog collars (since I had to give the pink one back to my ex). Nylon, polyester, but no leather. And certainly none with metal buckles. With an air of disappointment, I high tailed it home. 

Two and a half hours later, and my room had an essence of novelty. And an artistic flair. 

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I still felt like something was missing

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I still felt like something was missing. Then I looked at my school bag. I grabbed three sheets of paper out of the front, found my matches, poured a tall glass of water, and went to the front patio. Fairly good sized, made of fire-resistant cement. I burned my ex's "love notes", and felt no sadness whatsoever. Although the wind made it kind of difficult. I went through one and a half 32 count boxes of matches. 

So that was about it. Now I'm just chilling, waiting up for my sister to come home safely. 

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