I'm Part Of A WHAAATT????

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So I was in science today when I got the feeling that I needed to tell one of my friends something. Here's how the convo went:

Myself: So... I think I like Lee Ann...

Maddy: *silence, a slight grin on her face*

A couple weeks ago, something "clicked" and I, well...



Jenna's been trying to match her up with you! I ship it.

Wait, she has? Wait... what?

Do you want me to say something to her for you?

Would you?

Yeah! Of course!


So I'll have to be patient and see where this takes me. Maybe it'll become something of a relationship, . . . or maybe it'll follow the rest of my past "crushes" and blow up in my face. We'll see what happens. 

Did I mention she's bi? No? Okay.

Wish me luck! 😜

I never thought I'd be part of a ship.

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