This Ship Is Sailing Onto The Horizon!

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Continuing on from yesterday. The fam and I were at the store, when an idea hit; give her chocolate! I found a ginormous thing of Reese's and kept it in the freezer overnight. 

Time lapse to around 8:05ish. I found Maddy and asked her, "So what's the verdict, on the thing?" She told me that I actually had a chance. I quickly grabbed the chocolate out of my locker and went over to where Lee Ann was. First and foremost I asked if she had any peanut allergies, just in case. She had none, thank gawd. So I shyly said something along the lines of "I have something for you", gave it to her, and... bolted off. I know, smooth move, right? Don't worry though, there was still a whole day ahead.

Fast forward to study hall. I brought my science stuff with me, but chose to do my drawing challenge instead. So here's how the seating chart for my table goes: Maddy, Lee Ann, myself, and a few boys who I forgot their names. I ripped out a sheet of paper from the notebook and started passing notes with her. Convenient, since she was directly to my left. Anyways, here's what went down:

Myself: Hi beautiful!

Her: Hey gorgeous!

At this point I was already blushing profusely.

So, can I tell you something... kind of... personal-ish?

Yeah, of course.

I... like you. Like, a lot.

Can I tell you something?

Go ahead!

To be honest, I have liked you for quite a while =)

Really?! For real?!


The teacher had a country station on the radio. A slow song that I could've sworn I'd heard before came on. 

Listen to the radio for a sec. Is this the song we danced to? 

I think it was.

I got fairly far along on the drawing when the gut feeling to ignore logic kicked in. 

This may be a little sudden, but do you want to be my girlfriend?

Of course!

No more than a minute later, some song called "I Wanna Kiss A Girl" came on. 

Of all the songs on the radio, this one's the most ironic.

Haha right?!

I would've asked if she wanted to hold my hand in the hallway, but the bell rang before I got the chance to write the question. 

So now I have to wait until Tuesday to see her again, seeing as how we have Good Friday and Easter Monday off. The good news is that I get to invite her and Maddy over for a sleepover for my birthday! I went full out and decorated the envelopes:

 The good news is that I get to invite her and Maddy over for a sleepover for my birthday! I went full out and decorated the envelopes:

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How could I have been so blind! She was there the whole time, and I didn't even see it. Well, "better late than never" as they always say! 

This was the drawing I was working on while this was happening:

This was the drawing I was working on while this was happening:

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Well lovelies, it's getting late. Bye!

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