Car Ride ~ Touya (Black) x Reader

Start from the beginning

"Tired?" Touya asked in a soft voice - only you hearing it, since the others were pretty loud in the front, not to mention that the song 'Search for the Girl' was playing as well. You nodded sheepishly; "I kinda overslept... so i rushed a bit and now i'm tired again"

The brunet grinned and reached his arm out, gently cupping the back of your head and pulling you closer, then making your head rest on his shoulder. You just silently blushed and scooted a bit closer to the male. You could feel this calming warmth radiate from his body, and that made you snuggle up to him even more.


The calm and rather long car ride had to come to an end when Professor Juniper parked her car in one of the many private parking lots for visitors of the Nacrene City Museum. Everyone got out of the car and greeted by a refreshing autumn breeze. Shivers run up your spine, caused by the quick change of the temperature, but you immediately felt warmed when Touya pulled you closer to him.

"Okay, listen up everyone; My father wants to discuss the latest Zekrom incident with all of us, since you were all partly involved. He will show us something he discovered in the museum, the we'll head to the café across the street and go on with further discussions" The caramel haired young woman explained before leading the way to the mentioned building.

Cedric Juniper was at the entrance, and greeted you all with a warm yet slightly odd grin. The older lead you to a certain area inside the museum and started with his speech. You were listening carefully to what the Professor's father had to say at first, but as soon as Touya stepped closer to you and softly wrapped his one arm around you, pulling you closer to him, you slowly started loosing focus.

Thoughts like how you were wondering what exactly your relationship was with the brunet, since you were simply friends officially, but you didn't know if his affectionate small acts had secret meanings to them. And so, mentally having a conversation with yourself, Cedric concluded his rather long speech and lead everyone outside the large building.

"Do you really think N has something to do with this?" Touya asked referring to the speech Cedric Juniper just gave. You didn't catch everything the older said, but you did catch the part when he mentioned N, a friend of yours and Touya whom you met in Nimbasa City, at the Ferris wheel of the amusement park there.

"I doubt it, but you never know" You shrugged and soon everyone entered the rather small café. Both Juniper's showed you the way to a round table where everyone took seats; Touya sat next to you at your right and Bianca was left from you. Touko sat next to the blonde and Cheren next to the brunette. The two professors were more or less sitting across you.

This time it was the younger who started the discussion. Again, you were concentrated and carefully listened to each detail she mentioned until you felt a foot being bumped against yours. You dismissed it, assuming it was accidental, but then you felt a knee against your leg.

You inconspicuously glanced down under the table and saw whom that leg belonged to; Touya. You slowly moved your gaze up to the male's face only to see him having caught you checking - which caused your cheeks to redden in embarrassment. But you didn't pull your leg away.

Another hour passed by pretty slowly and you couldn't help but admit that this whole discussion you had the whole morning wasn't that interesting. I mean, you already knew most of the things Cedric mentioned, and the other things he said were mostly possible theories.

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