[oo4] - Barry x Reader

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"You better not be late again, [Name]! I swear I'll fine you a million Pokédollars!" Was what the energetic blond boy shouted throughout the entire Pokémon Center, ignoring the trainers and their exhausted Pokémon as if the two of you were the only ones inside the building before rushing out of the front entrance. You could feel your cheeks flaring up while all you did to try and get rid of your embarrassment was letting it out of your system under the form of a heavy sigh.

You turned to the counter where Nurse Joy had placed all your Pokéballs containing your now fully healed Pokémon and apologized for the ruckus and trouble Barry had been causing both her and everyone else in the Center. The pink-haired young lady waved it off as a quotidian occasion. It was indeed an everyday occurence, the mere thought of the fact that Barry had always been the impatient, bratty son of the Battle Tower Tycoon Palmer, even when the two of you had met for the first time in your lives, made you chuckle. You couldn't help but sincerely hope that he would stay that way forever, innocent and hilarious.

As you slowly but surely made your way out of the slightly crowded Pokémon Center and started heading for the heart of Jubilife City where you had agreed to rendez-vous with your blond travelling partner in order to decide on your next destination, your mind was suddenly flooded by thoughts and memories of the day you had first met Barry.

* * *

"OUT OF MY WAY, OUT OF MY WAY, OUT OF MY WAY!!!" You hadn't even managed to exit the Global Terminal in Jubilife City entirely after you had traded a Pokémon with a very good friend of yours who lived in the outskirts of the Hoenn region when the shouts of a rather energetic individual resonated outside as loudly as they would have in a bell tower or tunnel.

You weren't even given the chance to look around and try to pinpoint the source of those loud noises, because as cliché as it sounded, the very same person who was shouting for people to vacate his path happened to bump right into you. And we were not talking about a gentle nudge against your arm, the impact was so hard, it sent you flying right into one of the two fountains that decorated the plaza surrounding the Global Terminal.

If that weren't enough, the person who had been making a ruckus and whom you had estimated to be male judging from their voice fell right after you. Fate might have been holding a grudge against you on that day, or perhaps those myths and stories about Absol being the warning of a disaster were revealing themselves to be quite real, given the fact that the Pokémon you were given by your friend in Hoenn was none other than the mammalian creature of disaster.

It was uncomfortable enough to be embraced by the cold water for those short seconds, so you brought your head to the surface the instant you were given a chance to due to the male's body weight causing yourself to sink somewhat, despite the fountain not being so deep to begin with. The moment you opened your mouth wide in order to inhale was the same moment you were ready to deliver one of the possibly longest speeches you were to ever give.

"WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING, YOU MOR-" Yelling on the same volume scale as the person who had made you take an unwanted shower, you were silenced almost immediately, by the same male individual this time around as well, only that it was his head that collided with your own. It was unclear to you how he had even managed to bump his forehead against yours from his current position, but he certainly did. The throbbing sensation in your head was proof of it.

"Gahh, that hurts!" The boy cried out, him probably feeling the same kind of pain you did when the two of you collided in that particular way. After rubbing the now slightly swollen area on your forehead, you decided to properly open your eyes and sit up in order to gain some distance from the male, only for you to lock eyes with his hazel-colored ones.

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