Aetherman (15)

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Eerste was here.

Just as I thought I was going to escape from these changes.

The bow was on the ground behind the Enderman. There was no way I could get it in one piece.

I could feel burning spread through my body. I was changing. Panic flooded my mind. I couldn't change! Not now! In front of all of my friends, and especially not when I was so close to freedom! I tried to fight it. But it was no use.

"Lukas!?" Petra caught me as I started to collapse.

I grunted and pushed her away. I could feel the changes take place, and within a few seconds, the pain stopped. I got up on four legs, looking at Eerste through a glare. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Petra backing up away from me.

I leapt at Eerste, claws extended. He dodged easily, and suddenly I stopped in midair. In the back of my mind I knew he had grabbed me with psychokinesis. I flailed in midair, screeching and hissing, my mind set on tearing Eerste's throat out.

"Pathetic." Eerste sneered telepathically.

"Let him go." I heard Jesse hiss.

Eerste looked behind me, and waved his arm to the side. I was thrown into a crumbled wall immediately. I let out a yelp as I felt pain shoot up my spine. I fell to the ground. Suddenly, something fell on top of me. I let out a screech. I tried to stand, but whatever was on top of me was too heavy. I could only watch as Eerste walked towards Jesse, towering over him by at the very least ten blocks. The others backed away, but Jesse held his ground.

A sort of grin spread across Eerste's face. "Oh, if it isn't Jesse, slayer of his own family, traitor of his own kind."

Jesse's eyes narrowed. "I'm not one of you. If you think you can defeat me, you're wrong. If I can beat your father, I can beat you."

Eerste let out a laugh. Not telepathically, but physically. It sounded like someone was scraping a sword across an iron block as hard as they can.

"Oh, please save me that big talk, halfling." Eerste sneered. "I know you're afraid."

Before Jesse could answer, an arrow hit Eerste's shoulder, sinking into his skin. Both Eerste and Jesse turned. Olivia had shot an arrow from her bow, and she was now backing up, eyes wide with fear.

"Nuisance," Eerste growled before a purple orb of light formed in his claws.

Suddenly, he fired an energy beam straight at Olivia. She just barely had time to dodge it- and she probably only did because it missed where she was standing by a few blocks. Jesse took this as an opportunity to slash at Eerste's leg. The Enderman let out a yelp, stumbling a little, before kicking Jesse away. He skidded to a stop, and even from the other side of the room i could tell his bad arm was beginning to bleed again. I was still trying desperately to get free- but I only made slight progress.

Petra drew her sword. She stabbed at Eerste's leg just as he was going to fire an energy beam at Jesse. Axel grabbed onto the other leg. Eerste spread his wings and took off about twenty blocks from the ground, Petra and Axel dropping off. Olivia fired an arrow into Eerste's wing just as he landed again. I just realized Crest was nowhere in sight.

"You humans are so weak," Eerste growled. "It is time to stop testing, now I will dispose of-"

"The air combines with earth..."

Eerste turned at the sound of Crest's voice.

He was standing on the pedestal with the bow. He had it aimed skyward, and was even saying the chant.

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