thirty two

72 8 8

"i'm such a fool for you."

joshua breathed heavily, his emotions on the brink of explosion. "you're confusing me, tyler. i think we should be having this conversation when you're sober." he said as he watched tyler sway. "maybe you should go and sleep this off for now."

tyler smiled as if he didn't hear a word joshua said. "will you lay with me?" he asked, grinning at his feet.

joshua furrowed his brows. "wha- no, tyler!" he said, frustrated. "why would you even ask that?"

"well," tyler said, walking to the couch and sitting down. "it's probably because i'm incredibly fucked up, both with drugs and mental instabilities." he said, talking literally to the wall. he wiped his eyes and continued. "or," he added, "it's because there's a fucked up part of me that knows that this might be the last time i ever get to touch you, even if im boiling with rage."

joshua sighed. he was exhausted, all he wanted to do was lie down with tyler. all he wanted to do was feel tyler against his chest. but, joshua knew deep down it was wrong to take advantage of tyler.

but joshua was so, fucking, tired.

"please?" tyler asked quietly.

joshua wavered, unsure of what to do.

he walked over and pushed the coffee table out so he could sit on the couch. tyler immediately leaned against him, his head on joshua's shoulder. joshua pushed against tyler so he could lay down, tyler collapsing on top of him. he slipped his hand under joshua's thin t shirt and ran his fingers over his stomach.

tyler soon fell asleep, his hand still resting on joshua's toned abdomen under his t shirt.

joshua grabbed the blanket that laid on the ground and spread it over the thin boy on top of him. the sleeves of his sweater were rolled up and revealed the long, pink scars that danced along his forearms. joshua ran his hand along tyler's arm, his fingers tracing along all the bumps and indents.

joshua sighed as he dozed off.

looking back, he wished hhe would have cherished this moment more. not because it was especially sweet or pure, but because it was the last time he ever got to hold his boyfriend.

(at least, for now.)

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