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"come on!" joshua screamed out of frustration. he tried it again and no luck. the rail was simply too steep to grind down without falling off.

"what is going on with me today." he muttered, throwing his board to the side in the grass. and sitting down on the concrete.

tyler was here again, but he wasn't skating. he was eating cheetos and drawing in the shade on the grass.

joshua watched him draw from afar, completely in focus with a e-cigarette hanging out of his mouth. he smiled, his cheeks turned a shade of pink and joshua looked away. his face was burning and his heart fell to his stomach, why the hell was he feeling like this?

it's not like he liked him.

wait, fuck. did he like tyler? the tall thin boy that stole his park? probably. joshua always fell for the dumbest people. besides, a boy that pretty probably had guys and girls falling for him every day.

joshua stood up and walked over to tyler.

"can i sit with you?" he asked, nervous, for some reason. he cursed his unreliable stability.

tyler nodded, quickly turning the page to a blank sheet in his sketchbook. joshua sat, pulling a cigarette out of the small cardboard box and lighting it.

"that's going to give you cancer." tyler said, interrupting the silence.

joshua blew smoke in the other direction. "does it look like i give a shit?" he asked.

"no," tyler said, not looking up from his sketchbook. "you don't look like someone with an intent to avoid it either."

joshua laughed. "you've got that right, buddy." he took another drag and looked at tyler, watching him draw some kind of ivy plant.

tyler smiled. "i don't have any intent of avoiding it either."

joshua frowned. suddenly the joke wasn't funny anymore. "what do you mean?"

tyler shrugged, the slight smile not dropping off his lips. "i can ensure you, joshua, that my life is less valuable than yours, and anyone else in this world for that matter." he paused, shutting his book and looking joshua in the face. "there is nothing worse on this planet than me."

joshua shook his head. "that's not true." he said. "here," he pulled out a small square of paper and scribbled a phone number. he handed it to tyler, who stared down at the paper. "that's my number. when you feel like that, text me. i'll send you a million things you're better than."

tyler smiled. "thanks."

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