twenty eight

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josh breathed in. "i said, what's on your mind?"

tyler narrowed his eyes. "stop avoiding my question."

josh sighed. "please."

tyler looked into josh's eyes, searching for the sarcasm he expected. once tyler realized that he was completely serious, he swallowed before wiping his face of the hot tears still on his cheek.

"you." tyler said quietly. "you're on my mind. but i never thought i'd think of you this way."

"what way?"

tyler breathed heavily. "angry." he said, not holding back. "i'm angry. i know i should be distraught that i... that i almost lost you, and i am, but i'm angry that you would lie to me instead of telling me what was wrong."

josh nodded, urging him to continue.

"i'm mad that you would do something so selfish."

josh breathed, calmly staring ahead of him. "you would have done the same thing."

tyler stood, silent. josh was right, to an extent.

"if you had what was riding on my shoulders, you would have done the exact same thing."

tyler swallowed. "what was it?" he asked quietly.

josh's eyes filled up with tears as he stayed completely silent, staring ahead.

"josh." tyler said sternly, choked up. "what did you do?"

josh breathed a shaky breath.

"i cheated on you."

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