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joshua walked into the small ranch home and passed his mother, passed out on the couch.

it must have been around three in the morning, but joshua didn't check. he simply grabbed the lighter from under his bed and his board and left.

he skated down the dark, quiet street, only lit by the yellow street lights above his head. he turned onto the sidewalk, gliding across the concrete until he came to the break in the evergreen trees. he turned left into the concrete square of various skateboard obsicles.

he was planning on sitting at the bottom of the empty swimming pool and smoking, but as he neared the pool he realized someone had already taken his place.

tyler sat at the bottom of the pool, but he wasn't smoking, he was crying.

joshua got off his board and walked to the edge of the pool.


he jumped, turning to joshua and wiping the tears off his face in haste.

"j-josh, what are you d-doing here?" he asked. his voice was strained, joshua could tell he had been screaming.

"i could ask the same to you," joshua said. tyler watched him slide down the edge of the pool and sit down close to him. "what's wrong?" he asked. he lifted his hand to put it on his shoulder, but tyler flinched. joshua frowned and put his hand back down into his lap.

tyler wiped the tears off his face. "i-i'm sorry, all i am is a mess, j-just a huge mess." he said in between sobs.

"that's not true, tyler." joshua paused. "are you okay?"

tyler wiped his damp face with his oversized grey sweater sleeve. he nodded, swallowing hard. "i'm okay. you can leave i'll be okay."

joshua patted his knee. "text me."

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