twenty five

84 10 2

tyler walked down the creaking wooden stairs into the small living room. the blue dawn light seeped through the windows, barely granting tyler sight.

he sat down on on the couch, thinking. he was depressed, but not crying. josh had left to get food from the store, why he decided to go at five am, tyler didn't know.

he pulled on the hem of his boxers, slightly anxious. why was he so anxious? why was his stomach in a knot and why was he so nervous?

perhaps he knew what was coming next. perhaps his subconscious was expecting it.

sirens were heard in the distance. tyler started to hyperventilate as they got closer and closer to his house.

flashing lights and screaming alarms filled tyler's head as he started to cry, but the cars streamed by, passing tyler's house at full speed.

tyler breathed in, rubbing his thigh.

it's okay.

tyler stood from the couch, walking back up the creaking stairs and into his bed that seemed all to empty without josh next to him.

it's okay, he told himself. he said fifteen minutes. just three more minutes and he should be home.

and tyler believed himself, too, even though josh had been gone for an hour and a half now.

just as he was drifting off into a dreamless sleep, his phone jolted him awake.

Incoming Call: Unknown Caller ID.

tyler hesitated before answering the call.

"hello?" he said quietly into the phone.

"is this tyler joseph?" the unknown called asked him.

he hesitated again. "...yes? who is this, why-"

"are you mr. joshua william dun's significant other?" they asked him.

tyler shot up, suddenly frustrated. "who's asking?!" he said, much louder.

"trauma wing of the san francisco medical facility."

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