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once again, joshua was was smoking pot at the skate park.

it was his only way to feel healthy, at least in the mental aspect. his feet dangled over the edge of the halfpipe as he listened to the music blaring from his speaker, and the sun cast short shadows into the once empty swimming pool that has since been repurposed.

this whole cement acre used to be a house, but it burned down two years ago, and it took the father of a family with it. when the remains were cleared away, all that was left was a cement foundation and an empty swimming pool, forever abandoned. joshua built the rails and the rest of the skate park a year after it burned to the ground.

joshua took another drag and leaned back until his back was to the cold cement. he flicked the burnt out joint into the damp shades grass and was about to take another one out of his pocket when the indistinguishable sound of a skateboard on a side walk got louder and louder. he scrambled to hide the jar of pot buds and pause his music before whoever it was got closer.

a shadow cast across the sidewalk as the person got closer, but it didn't matter. joshua already knew who it was. he unpaused his music and took the jar back out of his bag as the tall boy from last saturday turned the corner.

he started to skate immediately, grinding on the rusting railings joshua put there last year. joshua's heart raced as sweat beaded along the boy's hairline and defined the muscles in his neck.

joshua stopped looking. he stared up at the blue sky and took a drag of the joint in his right hand. his speaker blasted rly real by blackbear and drowned the rest of his intrusive thoughts out of his mind. he sighed, closing his eyes and taking in the warmth of the bright sun.

a shadow casted itself over joshua, so he opened his eyes, only to look up at the tall boy that was now covered in sweat, his pink corduroy overalls unclipped on his left shoulder.

joshua sighed. "can i help you?" he asked him.

"my name's tyler," he said. his slightly strained voice sounded of coffee and warmth, the mellow sound making josh's heart beat harder than it already was. "i was wondering if i could sit with you." he sounded nervous, but seemed to be keeping control of his shaky voice.

joshua nodded, "sure, kid." tyler nodded, playing with the screw on his board as he sat down. he put his board down next to him and sat with his knees curled up to his chest.

"what's your name?" tyler asked.

joshua wanted to ignore him. he wanted to tell him to fuck off and get a life instead of bothering joshua at his only safe haven.

alas, he couldn't. he couldn't look into tyler's eyes and tell him to get lost. the boy was too attractive and sweet. tyler looked at josh with huge brown eyes with long, full eyelashes and a subtle blush blooming on his cheeks.

joshua's blush was less subtle.

"my names joshua," he said, putting the burning joint in his mouth and sticking his hand out. "nice to meet you." he said through his barely opened mouth.

tyler shook his hand, smiling. joshua wanted to marry the boy right then and there.

maybe letting him stay wasn't so bad of an idea after all.
by the way, i listened to build me up buttercup uploaded by blairvoyant on soundcloud when i was describing tyler's voice.

skatepark - joshlerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum